"She's Mariano's daughter. Iris, the little girl I told you about when you asked why I always left here with a box of cupcakes" I place the glass in front of her and she thinks back to the time.

"I still can't see him having a daughter, anyone in Romero's line of work doesn't seem like the type to take care of their children" She brushes some of the snow off her shoulders.

"He does more than take care of her. He's a good father Flora, you can't judge him when you don't know him" I think back to the moments I've seen Mariano and Iris together.

"I don't want to know him, I don't even want you to know him, Grace. There's a reason the court isn't letting him keep full custody of his daughter and I can't believe you're not the slightest bit concerned or curious" She shrugs and takes the glass.

"No, I am not curious because it's none of my business. He respects my privacy and I respect him, he gives me no reason to question his personal life" I begin to wipe down the counter.

"I think you're just asking the wrong questions, you need to start asking yourself what he does when he's not around..." She finishes her tea and I go and give her a refill.

It truly was none of my business what Mariano did in his spare time or what his true profession was.

I know I had seen him speaking to my father and that's all I wanted to know. I could make my conclusions as to what they probably do in business together but that would mean a lot of distant conversations between us and it would make living together awkward.

"If you're so concerned Flora, maybe you should ask him or hire a private investigator" I'm sarcastic with her but her face tells me that she's seriously thinking about doing so.

"I just want my best friend to know what she got herself into, you and Romero might trust him but that doesn't mean I have to" She takes the honey next to her to add to her tea.

"Enough about him. You should come with me tonight, I feel like we haven't had a night out in a very long time" She points to one of the raspberry-filled treats and I grab one for her.

I look at the tip jar and remember that roll of money Mariano had put inside when he brought me to visit my mother.

Mother was thankful for that money, it helped her with rent that week and since then I've been grateful to him.

"I can't tonight, I have plans" I don't go into detail because if I told Flora that I was doing something with Mariano instead of hanging out with her, she'd make it a big deal and probably be angry with me.

"Plans? With Preston?" She questions and I shake my head. "Then plans with who?"

"Myself. People spend time with themselves, you know that right?" 

"I don't but what are you doing tonight with yourself that I can't just tag along with?" Flora leans her arms on the counter, I know she's insisting because she and her girlfriend have had another fight which meant Flora didn't want to be in the same room as her.

Thankfully my mother comes down the stairs before I have to answer Flora's question, she greets the both of us and finds her apron on.

"Tell me when you're free this week, I need an excuse to get drunk" Flora stands up and pays for her food and drink, putting her hood back on to protect her twists from the snow outside.

"If we're going to hang out we're not going to a bar, it's only entertaining for the people who drink, and between the both of us, it's only fun for you" I collect her glass and plate and she blows me a kiss before walking out.

I kiss my mother on the cheek and she asks me if everything's alright. I tell her things are going well for me right now.

"Have you spoken to your father?" She asks me and I begin to help her with organizing the kitchen supplies.

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