Chapter Two

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Michael had no determined sense of destination set, so as they roll away from the U.S. capital, and the storm starts to clear, he watches the road signs. With the stop for lunch and gas, the next stop they need to make is a hotel. They've been driving for a while, the beautiful Appalachian Mountains starting to make themselves known as the sun casts shadows around them. That's when Michael sees a sign on the road. "Cal, we should go to the Shenandoah Valley." He suggests, already checking the weather for tomorrow. It's supposed to be clear and warm. Now, Michael is, and never has been, inclined to the outdoors, that's why he's a programmer.... And pasty, but that's off-subject. But, there are probably great photo opportunities there, and Calum needs to take more pictures. He doesn't take enough, in Michael's opinion. "Uhm, sure. There's a hotel coming up. We stop there for the night and then leave in the morning?" Calum glances over to Michael. "Yeah, that's fine with me."

"Do we even have fucking hiking boots?" Calum laughs as they're looking at what to do tomorrow. "Uhm." Michael trails off. "So, that would be a no, right?" Calum confirms. "Great." He chuckles as he collapses back into the pillows, running a hand over his face. "We don't have to have hiking boots, Cal." Michael tries, but his friend just scoffs. "Uhm, yeah we do, Mike. How about this: we go and buy hiking boots tomorrow on the way, get there and do some easy exploring, and sleep in the car, don't look at me like that we've done it before. The best times to hike on that trail are to time it with the sunrise, so we'll be there already." Calum suggests, and Michael has to admit, it's a pretty good idea. "Ok, let's do that." He nods.

Driving after eating a delicious breakfast is not a good idea. Michael feels like he wants to hibernate for six months, but he can't because he's behind the wheel. "Ok, there's a shoe store coming up in ten minutes, we'll go there." Calum directs, bopping his head to whatever song is playing. Probably a The 1975 song, and when Michael tunes into the song, it's 505 by Arctic Monkeys.

Michael laughs as Calum almost trips while he tries on a pair of boots, receiving a middle finger. "Would you be laughing if I fell and broke something? I doubt it." Calum sasses, making Michael laugh more. "Nah, I'd make sure to get that shit on video for Luke and Ash." Michael giggles. "You're literally the worst friend." The brunette complains as he tries on a different pair of boots. "I'm actually the best friend you could ever ask for." Michael reasons, leaning his arm on his shoebox. Calum sighs. "Why is that true?" He asks rhetorically. "Oh, this pair fits." He realizes.

They reach the Skyland area, and Calum gets out his camera as Michael goes and checks them into a lodge. Calum is leaning on the car when Michael comes back out, and he smiles in his head, watching Michael make funny faces as he walks back. Somehow the baseball cap/SnapBack he's wearing goes with the cargo shorts and grey shirt, the hiking boots adding to the whole ordeal. "We're booked. Tonight and tomorrow.." Michael smiles proudly. "You're awesome," Calum says, laughing softly at how proud Michael looks. "Oh, I know, but thank you." Michael sasses back. "We have the Maple Cabin, and there's access to the dining hall." Michael details that as they start to explore the area, the sun is already on its decline in the sky. Calum looks both ways before crossing the road to where the lookout is. "So if this is west, we'll be hiking east in the morning," Michael notes, making Calum sigh amusedly. "Yes, son. You're getting your directions down." He remarks, deservedly getting whacked upside the head. "Fuck off, it's been a long day." Michael laughs.

The little cabin is nice inside, the only downside is the separate bedrooms. Calum likes to hear what Michael has planned, or what Luke and Ashton are up to, but he supposes two nights will be ok. But will it?

It's a shock to Calum when he wakes up to find Michael already in his room with breakfast. "What time'sit?" Calum puts together, what he hopes, is an understandable sentence. "It's 4:30," Michael informs him, surprisingly chipper for not being a morning person one iota. "Jesus." Calum collapses back into his bed. "It's an hour and fifteen-minute hike, Cally. The Sunrise is at 6:30. C'mon." Michael gently coaxes. "I've got coffee and a blueberry muffin. Or two, or three. Actually, four is the right number but that one is already in me, sooo." He trails off, hearing Calum huff out. "I'll leave, but you won't get pics of the sunrise, so I'll stay here and be annoying." Michael decides. "I'm up, don't worry. Can I have a muffin?" Calum says, sitting up.

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