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Saiki pov:

Aki is being too quiet and hasn't been eating well since Teruhashi spoke to him yesterday. Teruhashi on the other hand has been overwhelmingly flirty and it's frustrating for me to listen too. 

I just want to know what Aki is thinking so I can help but I can't just ask him because I am not much of a talker. For once in my life I need advice and will have to do something I thought I would never do....Go to mom for help.

Kurumi Saiki's pov:

Dinner was on the stove and Kuniharu was outside with that weird horny cat when Kusuo walked in the kitchen and stood next to me at the stove.

 "Mom, what do I do if Aki is being bullied but can't do anything about it because the girl has a ton of crazy fans that would kill for her?" Kusuo asked me.

"Well honey I would first of all like to know this girl's name, then I will help you with this terrible problem." I said in response.

Saiki's pov:

"Well mom, do you remember the girl who came for cooking lessons from you, Teruhashi?" I asked

"Yes darling but what does that have to do with anything? She was such a sweet girl." Mom gushed over a girl she had only met a few times in the past year. She once said that if I wasn't gay and dating Aki, She would have thought that she was my girlfriend which first of all is just rude and second all EW.

"Well mom Teruhashi is the bully...." I trailed off as moms face turned a new shade of red in anger.

"Okay Ku what you are going to do is find out something so embarrassing about her that she will lose all of her support and cut all that bitches hair off for messing with Aki." Mom said showing her dark side once again as she knows it's the one of the only things that scare me.

 Losing Aki is the only other thing now that I think about it so actually one of the 2 things.

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