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Saiki Kusuo POV

I was listening to Nendou ramble on about this ramen shop he wants to try, when I felt someone kiss my cheek. Confused, I turned around because I didn't hear anyone behind me thinking. As I met the eyes of the person I knew who it was, Aki Riku My boyfriend.

Yes, you're probably thinking, wait Saiki your gay!?. Yep I knew about a year after meeting him that he was the one for me. Just as I was about to greet him the teacher started to teach so he went and sat down behind me.

You see, normally my powers make it so I would see muscles and bones but most of my powers don't work on him. I don't know why but I see his face and I can't read his thoughts unless he takes off his ring.

I can't lie to him either, I know lying isn't one of my powers but I take one glance at his puppy dog eyes and it is impossible to lie to him.

When the bell rang we all packed up our stuff and either talked to friends or went to clean out our lockers. Now, you're probably wondering why we would be cleaning out our lockers before lunch. It is the last week of school before summer break and it is a half day. So why not get it done.

After waiting about twenty minutes the bell rang meaning lunch then we could leave. While me, Kaido, and Nendou were walking to lunch, Aki joined us. After we sat down Aki realized he can't eat the school food because they try to hide carrots in everything and he is allergic to carrots.

So being the good boyfriend that I am I split some of my chicken and rice with him. Sure it gained so much looks, but that could have been from Kokomi Teruhashi walking over to our table and up to Aki.

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