War's coming

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Ziio was pacing back and forth, not knowing what to say too the other lords. She was nervous for some reason but looks at herself in the mirror of her home.

"I can do this!" Ziio tells herself walks into the shower, "Just simply say that Miranda is using us for her evil desire and doesn't care!" She stops while the cold hits her.

Alpha Aketi...what am I doing? Show me a sign please!

Which Ziio takes her shower and hums a song that her father and mother used to sing. It soothes her soul, she kept humming it through her day. She gets dress and makes a phone call to her partner, which she happen to be a quick pick up.

"Alcina Dimitrescu speaking." Alcina had a harsh voice.

"Hello there Alcina." Ziio said while leans forward on her desk, "Are you ready for the meeting today and we're having it at your place correct?" She wanted to know.

They both talk as the plan was still going and it was at the castle. Alcina needed to be sure that Mother Miranda must never find out. They weren't sure on what she will do if she found out. They said goodbye which by that Ziio's door opens as Erri:lk came running in with tears in her eyes.

"Youngling what has happen?" Ziio gets on one knee and holds her by the shoulders.

"I had a dream, a woman had came and took me away from everyone here." Erri:lk said while wiping her tears. "She said that I was going to be a good daughter...and..." She busted out crying hard into Ziio's chest.

Which Ziio lifts her up to the air and runs her fingers through her hair. Saying that it was a dream but the youngling pulls away and looks at her.

"But she said that you would be a perfect mommy...she looked like a pure evil spirit." Erri:lk tells, "She knew your name, that lady your seeing and other things." She adds that information.

"W-What?" Ziio froze, "Is this the women you saw?" She carry's her to the other side of the room.

Firstly, was look at the photos of the other lords. But when her eyes looks up to the top off the pyramid. Her tiny wolf body began shaking badly, she even lost breath.

Secondly, by Erri:lk reaction...Ziio knew. She had a gut feeling that Miranda must've found out some way. Ziio then decide to head to find Maj:īma who was still near the camp sight.
They made it outside too see elder Tatsuyæ talking to Maj:īma, Ziio rushes over and spoke in their language.

"Uda mæd døa ūkazis xoö žafë Erri:lk!" Ziio spoke and hands her over to them.

"Mel wa." Tatsuyæ said and pulls Erri:lk close, Maj:īma wanted to know but Ziio had already ran off.

Ziio had transformed not her wolf form. She runs fast to the castle but was stopped by a Lycan. One of Karl's pets, she takes note. This Lycan was different, the markings on their arms was a member of her clan. She try's talking to them but they ended up attacking her.

"Calm down clan sister!" Ziio yells than claws back.

"RRRAAAWWWW!" She roars mighty, "Must take prisoner!" Then repeated the words.

They were fighting. It reminded her of Diä:Zhüü fights when she was little. She needed more practice as she fights her. They aren't blood related but definitely clan related. Zio dodges from the swing of her clan sister, she dives forward to attack the ankles. Which the clan sister grips the back neck of Ziio's, she spins and throws her 50 yards back in the depths of the woods.

Ziio got back up and shook off the dirt.

What has happened to her? Maybe Miranda?!

By a blink of an eye, she seen her as her body slammed into another tree. The clan sister grips her throat as tight as she could, Ziio was semi changing back into her tall human form.

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