". . .Are you sure, that you didn't slip hit your head, while you were on those rock, on the shore?-"

She joked, pretty not believing and understanding much from your babble, only making you look at her with an disappointed gaze.

"I AM sure. And to prove you. . . I-I will take him, with me! To show, that he's real!"

Oh-uh. Charlotte won't be happy to hear that, especially when you want to make him take a step, somehow, on the burning land. Your words blurted out, without thinking what a reckless man you are.

Did the military train you anything, especially to your mind?

It seems like so.

Now, there is only one thing to do. Convince your saviour to get out of the Glum, Blue Sea, and make him stomp on the ground. It won't be easy, yet. . . It cannot be impossible. There must be a way to find a way.

"Oh really? If so, invite him to the Christmas Dinner party. I'm sure that he'll accept an invitation from you."

That sly woman, what have you done to deserve the pain in the ass? Nothing, yet there was a night, that you slept with one girl, but you weren't on your mind. Alcohol was partying, with your brain.

"ALRIGHT! Alright, I'll do that, too!-"

Shooting your hands up, brought you pain to one. Immediately pulling your left arm down, you hissed in pain, leaving the right one straight in the air.

"Fantastic! Now get your military ass up and be a man, invite him. . . Show me who's the UNlucky guy."

Auntie murmured the last part teasingly, very aware that you have heard it all. Scoffing a little bit, you send her a playful glare, as she passed you a coat and a small bouquet of flowers.

"Give them to him. I intended to put those in a flowerpot, right on your nightstand, but since you'll be going to your 'saviour'. . . They'll do a better job, this way."

Putting the brown, leather coat on, you noticed that those kind of flowers were from your homeland. In the mountains.

Picking the bouquet, made out of only with kind of flowers, firmly into your grip and smelled them, if those actually were naturally grown in the wild.

"Viola Alba. . .They even have the same scent, thank you."

(Viola Alba - Small, white flower, that grows in the mountains and is really nice in smell, especially those from wild meadows.)

Auntie Ken first gave you a polite smile, before rising her hand and ruffling your hair, with a proud snicker, which obviously means 'Do Your Best There'.

Even if she just teased your mind and you called her inside you brain 'a pain in your ass', you could be slightly proud of the family member like that.

Because if she actually wouldn't do it, you wouldn't have the courage to even do the thing, which you were about to accomplish.

𝙶𝚕𝚞𝚖, 𝙱𝚕𝚞𝚎 𝚂𝚎𝚊. 🌼Where stories live. Discover now