| 3 | Is this a start or an end?

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Two years later;
19 of April;

Birthdays, the best day of the year for some, for me? Well, it's now the day of my release.

In the first months at this facility I really thought that my plan was brilliant, pretend to be normal until everyone believes.

I didn't need that, my doctor says that the medicine is perfect for me, besides some normal side effects.

When I was eight my parents overdosed, they never took care of me, I don't know how I managed, it was just me and my imaginary friend.

I was sent to the system, a team of psychologist keeping a close eye at me until they had the marvelous idea of sending me to the first facility, they said it was for my good, the voices would go away they said.

I was eighteen when I started to ignore the voices.

Twenty-one was when I started in this facility where all my problems would be solved, well, not all of them, the feeling of emptiness follow me everywhere.

Now at twenty-three I can finally start to live, under their conditions.

Weekly doctor visits, monitored medicine intake and I need to be set in a controlled environment by them.

They choose where I can live, where I can work, if I can breathe...

I'm still stuck, but this time on the outside.

The nice guy that takes care of our transaction to the 'normal world' told me that my parents left me a good amount of money.


I don't know where the money came from but if my parents were alive they would take the money to buy some more coke.

There is a car already waiting for me when I step out of the gates, the nice guy that I still refer as 'big guns' is driving me to my new apartment.

Big guns, smiles at me from the driver side and waits for me to put my seatbelt on, oblivious to the nickname I gave him because of his huge biceps.

"Are you ready to your new life?" He smirks, and I nod fast, after the voices disappeared I tried my best to be friendly, and I am glad I did, now I am out of here with my ex guard Matthew and big guns number on my new phone.

"I am, can you tell me more about the complex?" I ask him.

"The apartments are not luxurious, as you wanted even though you could've paid. There are other people in recuperation there too and the security is great." He point out.

He keeps going, "You will be escorted to your appointments and once a week a doctor will go to you, normal blood and phisical exams, monitor your medicine and make a run-down to prevent self-harm."

"I am not suicidal, why do I have to do all of this?" I question him.

"Normal procedure honey, even if you were cleared out they have to make sure, and you take strong medicine with numerous side-effects, there is no guarantee that you will just be 100% outside the facility, they need to make sure you are healthy and not coming back to us."

A chill runs down my spine just at the tought of going back there.

I wouldn't put past on those people to just lobotomize me.

While we drive, Matthew texted me saying that in his next day-off he will be visiting and honestly, I can't wait.

This will be my first time alone outside.

When we arrive I take a good look at the outside, it's a big place and thankfully I am on ground level, I'm terrified of heights.

Big guns reach for the doorman to gather my keys, "Hello, I am Aiden, Miss. Angel's keeper. Can you show us to her apartment?"

The doorman looks me up with desinterest, "Follow me."

My door reads 6, it's painted a basic beige with a silver door knob, a peep hole higher then what I would like but not anything extreme.

He opens the door with the key and gives me a copy and explain that my keeper will have the other one in case no one can get ahold of me and need to enter the apartment, I don't mind, I don't intend to do anything wrong.

The place has a cute little living room, a open planned kitchen with a hallway on the other side that probably goes to my room and bathroom.

It's simple yet luxurious, much more then what I have previously been in my life.

The feeling of not deserving to be here overwelms me, but there is a little silver of emotion heavy on the back of my mind telling me it's going to be ok, that I can do it.

Even if I am alone.

After a basic tour with Aiden supervising every room for possible hazard spots, I go to the kitchen, happy to find it already has the basic of food.

I turn the white with blue flowers kettle on, and get everything ready to make a coffee- a real one, not one of those offenses they served at the facility.

When the two cups are ready I bring them to the couch, waiting for Aiden to join me from his trip to the bathroom where he was looking if it was possible for me to hang myself in the shower.

He sits beside me and bring his cup to his lip, "I know is hard, being alone after so long, but you have my number and I want you to call me. Even if you are just feeling lonely."

He puts one hand in my knee when I look up at him, but drops it fast when the noise of a cup breaking comes from the kitchen.

I go to see what happened and meet a black cat on top of the table, casually licking his paw, when I get close it looks up at me and softly meows, solidifying the thoughts running loose in my mind.

Maybe I don't have to be all alone after all.

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