| 1 |The crazy one

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The person in front of me looks me up and down, I can see the disgust in her eyes, at least there is no pity.

"We will meet here every monday from now on, remember, this is a safe space and for this to work and if you want a chance of seeing the day light again, I need you to be truthful." The woman that introduced herself as Dr.Crestani tells me.

I nod and she continues.

"Why did you kill the guard at the last facility?"

"I didn't kill him, he did." I answer with a smile.

"When did you start hearing 'him'?" She sigh and scribble something in her little note.

'She wrote that you are crazy' I hear his chuckles in my head and I ignore him.

"He's always been here." I point to my head.

She nods again and keep looking at me, I know what she is doing, she is quiet to make me uncomfortable and fulfill the silence, she wants me to talk.

He taught me already what they do, they want something to work at, something to keep my medicine stronger and lock me up here forever.

She sighs again, she is going to loose her breath pretty soon if she keeps doing this.

"And can you see... him?"

"If he wants me to." I keep my answer simple, he used to show up all the time when I was a kid, he would play house with me, drink my fake tea, wash my hair when my mom was too drugged to lift a finger, but as the years passed his visits lessened, but he still is all the time in my mind.

'Perhaps I can start washing you again if that's what you want, love'

Fuck you.

He's been really perverted lately, but I ignore him like I've done for the last 3 years.

He's the reason I'm here, he is the reason why I'm 'crazy' and 'unfit' to be out in the open with others.

Ten years, from facility to facility, to therapy and medicine.

"How does he look like?" She ask me.

"Why, are you interested?" I monotonous reply.

She can have him, it would be a blessing.

'I'm hurt, little baby, I love you and that is how you repay?'

"Hmm, and he always tell you to kill people?" She narrow her eyes at me.

"For fucks sake, I already told you I didn't fucking kill anyone, are sure I'm the crazy one here!?" I snap.

She takes some notes again and keep quiet while getting up and opening the door.

My two new guards come in and each take one of my arms and gets me up.

I don't react, I'm tired of fighting.

I'm never getting out of here, I need to change tactics.

They walk me through white sickening corridors until we reach my door in the read area of the facility, it's funny how they put me in the 'dangerous zone' since I don't even know how to throw a punch.

The blonde guard takes out the keys and unlock my door, they basically shove me inside and lock it after I'm inside, like I'd go far away if I ran, I have nothing.

'You have me'

I lay down the bed and close my eyes, I have nothing to do, most of my time is sleeping and glaring at the wall so sleep  comes easy for me.

As I am slipping to unconsciously I feel hands on my head, caressing my brown waves and a low humming of my favorite song from when I was a kid.

'In this street, in this street there's a wood

Which is named, which is named Solitude

Inside it, inside it dwells an angel

Who stole, who stole my heart with him'.

And then, I'm out.

I wake up, I know that I'm dreaming.

It's weird but all my dreams are of moments, memories, always good.

I can see them in third person, usually I just sit there and wait for them to end, but this particular is my favorite.

I can see a little version of me, I remember this day like it was yesterday, I'm six years old, in my old bedroom sitting in the ground crying.

"Baby, why are you crying? Is Christmas!"

A voice suddenly comes from my side, little me looks up with eyes full of tears and a smile breaks her face.

He opens his arms and I jump in him, sitting on his lap with him caressing my hair.

"I wanted a Christmas tree, everybody has one, OH! and the kids at school always show me their presents but papa is in the couch and he is not moving again, I don't think he will get me something..." She looks down, still sniffing.

"Baby... you don't need them, you know you only need me, and whatever you want, you will get." He says and click his fingers, making a beautiful little Christmas tree appear at the end of my bed on the ground, the shining lights and decorations a big contrast from my old and dirty bedroom.

I smile at them, I miss this, this part of him that would help me, not worse things.

"I love it I love it i love it! Thank youuuuuu" She says jumping up in his lap, he just look at her with so much love and adoration.

"And last but not least baby, are you ready?" He raises an eyebrow.

"Yes! What is it?" She smiles, the missing tooth adding to the cuteness.

"Close your eyes." He says and when she does it, he clicks his fingers again and a small box is placed on his hand.

"You can open now, baby."

She opens her eyes and looks at the box, so much happiness coming from her that I too, tear up.

When she opens the package and sees the beautiful golden bracelet with little hanging diamonds and two crown charms, she scream happily and hugs him tight.

"I love you so much, Ares."



I will start this book when I finish blood bonds, but I was anxious with this idea bubbling inside my head and had to go this sort-of introduction.

I will work in a character board and some notes for everything, but keep in mind that this isn't a usual romance novel, it's going to be dark, it's going to have triggers and I don't doubt someone will hate me along the end.

But I hope everyone enjoys it anyway.

Love, E.

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