Though she seemed to be paying no mind to him, both her hands were placed securely around his. Lo'ak looked down at their hands and he could not help the thought that popped into his head - it was perfect. The way she held onto his hands. The way her fingers subconsciously wrapped around his additional finger.

"The tribes will be fine," Tonowari assured Ronal - claiming Lo'ak's attention once more, "They have not killed anyone."

Who were they? Tsireya looked at Neteyam and mouthed: "Who?"

Neteyam merely shrugged his shoulders, not answering her question.

"They have not killed anyone yet," Ronal completed Tonowari's sentence, emphasizing the last word. It was clear that she was concerned for her people - but this only made 'Kanu question why. What danger was lurking over them that would make her mother so stressed out? It was not good - her mother was pregnant and stress was the last thing she needed in her life. "They have already burned down one of the tribes' homes!"

Tonowari sighed, "We cannot kick them out. We took them in."

"Then what shall we do?" Ronal asked, desperation evident in her voice.

"I will talk to Jakesully," The chief told her, "We shall discuss this together."

From looking at the shadows, Ronal seemed to nod before Tonowari turned back around and walked off through the rain. 'Kanu turned her attention back to the Sullys, who looked like they never wanted to face her parents again. It must have been horrible for them, leaving their home and on top of that now someone bad was looking for them. 'Kanu felt horrible for never even considering what it must feel like leaving everything behind.

'Kanu could feel Lo'ak squeezing her hands tighter as everyone watched Ronal's shadow drawing closer and closer to the entrance until she appeared in the opening. Immediately her stressed expression was replaced by a shocked one as she covered her mouth with her hand. She had most definitely forgotten that she'd agreed to let them all visit. "Oh.." the Tsahik said, guilt and pity lacing her voice.

'Kanu could tell the Sullys did not wish to be there, so she was the first to stand up. She was still conveniently holding on to Lo'ak's hand and helped him up, "Let's go," she said quietly to everyone. Everyone followed behind her without a word and they passed her mother who looked after them sadly.

The minute they had made it past a few Marui pods, Ao'nung turned on the Sullys, "Who is following you? Who is trying to kill you and why would they go through the other tribes to get you?"

"Now is not the time," Tsireya placed a hand on her brothers shoulder.

Neteyam looked sad as the group continued to walk, "The skypeople. They are the reason we had to flee."

'Kanu turned around to look at Lo'ak. The two of them came to a stop as the others continued walking along the path through the rain. He could not bear to look into her eyes. "What is this?" She asked him, "Is it true? The skypeople want to kill you?"

Slowly, Lo'ak nodded, confirming his brothers words. From what he had gathered, they were the only people who would go this far to get them. 'Kanu let go of his hand in shock. Well what had she expected? They had come to them in the first place to seek refuge - to keep their family safe. Was she truly so naive that she never gave it a second thought?

Lo'ak's eyes grew wide when he no longer felt her hand in his. Instantly, he grasped onto her hands with both of his, searching her eyes for any sign that she was angry at him, "I thought that you knew. I would have told you - I never meant to lie to you-"

"It is alright, Lo'ak," 'Kanu assured him, "I knew. I just never thought they could find you here."

Lo'ak sighed and let go of one of her hands to hold his head as he looked down at the ground, "We are putting everyone in danger. What do I do?" The rain fell down of them, soaking the both of them but they payed it no mind.

"That choice is for your father to make," 'Kanu said, pulling his hand away from his face gently to meet his eyes, "You will have to go along with whatever he decides. But I do hope.. I wish that you stay."

Lo'ak locked his eyes onto hers before he spoke quietly, "Me too."

The comfortable silence which had formed between the two was suddenly disrupted by Ao'nung, "'Kanu! Lo'ak! Hurry up!" 'Kanu glared at him over Lo'ak's shoulder and saw him looking back at her with just as much spite. When he fell in love she would make sure to repay this favor.

Lo'ak let their hands part, "I will go now," he told her, not looking back to see the others waiting for them.

"Wait - where will you go?"  'Kanu called and turned to watch him jumping into the water. Confused, she looked back at the group who were walking back to where she stood.

"Where did he go?" Neteyam asked, jogging up to her and keeping his eyes on the ripples that had formed on the surface of the water where Lo'ak had disappeared.

'Kanu sighed, "To see Payakan, I think."

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