my heart | wanted woman

Start from the beginning

then a woman walked into the room. it was one of the women that worked at the bank, the one that answered the phone before. anne seemed to be intrigued by the fact that the woman kept looking out the window. soon after, the two started quarrelling and the door opened. rio walked in and asked what was wrong. 'i need to go to the bathroom' said anne which made evelyn sigh. 'she is gonna get herself killed', thought evelyn.

once the two left, the woman went outside the room and started started searching for something. but evelyn couldn't care less, she worried about her sister who was now alone with an armed criminal. evelyn huffed while grabbing a book from the shelf and walked towards the bathroom. a book was not ideal for attacking a thief but she didn't want to seriously injure the guy. she heard some yelling from inside the bathroom so she slowly opened the door to see her sister on the ground.

'get that fucking gun away from her' said evelyn, throwing the book at the back of rio's head. the boy stumbled away from anne as evelyn rushed to her. 'are you okay?' asked evelyn, helping her sister up. 'watch out!' shouted anne which made the younger girl look back. the bottom of rio's rifle met with evelyn's jaw. the girl fell to the ground with a thud and groaned in pain.

'you fucker!' anne shouted at rio and crouched down go her sister. 'kids these days' sneered rio as he grabbed them both by the back of their jumpsuits and dragged them back to the room. it wasn't until anne and evelyn sat down together that they noticed a cut on evelyn's lip. 'that shithead really-' anne was cut off when evelyn winched in pain upon anne touching the cut. 'sorry' frowned anne.

it was night time.

evelyn had her eyebrows furrowed as sweat started to form on her forehead. an unsettling feeling started to grow inside of her and there was a pinching sensation in her heart. evelyn sat up on the couch and looked over at her sister who was deep in sleep. feeling another attack start to come onto her, evelyn weakly walked over to her sister and tried to wake her up.

'unnie...' evelyn said weakly as she shook anne. the older girl didn't move a bit. anne was a heavy sleeper and she was hard to wake up so evelyn gave up trying to wake her. she looked around frantically and was relieved to find her bag under a table. evelyn quickly moved towards the bag and searched through it but did not find her pills anywhere. the growing pain in her chest was starting to alarm evelyn so she opened the door and made her way out the room.

she made it to the other room but a sudden jolt of pain made her hold onto the wall for support. was this how she was going to die? inside a bank, away from her parents and her sister? oh god, what if anne walks in on her dead body. thoughts raced through her mind and tears pricked at her eyes. evelyn leaned her back on the wall, holding her chest and just when she was sliding down, a figure in a red suit walked in through the main door.

she couldn't see very clearly who it was but there was a spotlight outside the building that shined inside at the room once in a while. as the figure rushed over, the light brightened up the room so that evelyn could made out the figure of tokyo. 'evelyn! whats wrong?' asked tokyo, running over and crouching down to the younger girl who was reaching out her hand to her. tokyo held evelyn's hand as she impatiently waited for her to speak. 'm-my heart' evelyn stuttered due to the lack of air in her lungs.

tokyo then realised that she had evelyn's pills so she quickly took out the small bottle and gave evelyn some pills. without thinking, the girl threw them in her mouth and swallowed. it was hard because she didn't have any water. tokyo looked at evelyn with furrowed eyebrows and a very worried expression on her face. when evelyn started to catch her breathe, tokyo sat down next to her. 'thank you' evelyn sighed, resting her head on the wall and letting it slide down onto tokyo's shoulder.

although tokyo was taken back by this action, she didn't say anything. 'why did you have my pills' asked evelyn, in a sleepy tone. tokyo cleared her throat and argued with herself on weather she should tell evelyn or not. 'you left it on the couch and i forgot to give it back to you' explained tokyo as she stared off into the corner of the room. evelyn hummed. 'i never though i'd be sitting here like this with one of korea's most wanted women' evelyn chuckled weakly.

tokyo noticed how evelyn didn't use to word criminal. 'i never thought i'd be sitting here like this with the us ambassador's daughter' tokyo said. 'you saved my life twice and that might work in your favour if you ever get caught' mumbled evelyn. tokyo slightly turned to her side, 'you don't think we will get caught?' asked tokyo. evelyn smiled and looked up at tokyo, 'its you eight versus the whole police department and yet you still haven't gotten caught'.

the corner of tokyo's lips started curving upwards, in disbelief at evelyn's words. 'are you rooting for us evelyn?' asked tokyo, a small smile spreading across her face. 'if your friends are like just like you, then maybe i am' evelyn smiled at tokyo. deciding to continue to conversation with evelyn, 'so what's it like being the u.s ambassador's daughter?' asked tokyo. evelyn hummed, thinking about her life.

'being the youngest in my family, everyone babies me a lot'. tokyo chuckled slightly, 'well, you do have a baby face' she said, looking at the young girl pout. 'doesn't mean i need a person right by my side every second of the day' huffed evelyn and unbeknownst to her, tokyo was thinking deeply about what evelyn said. the woman knew that the reason why evelyn was being watched over so much was because of her heart condition.

tokyo was looking at evelyn's face while the girl was complaining about how she was followed every where by guards when something caught her eye. tokyo squinted when she saw a cut on evelyn's lips. tokyo took her free hand to hold evelyn's chin and make the girl face her. 'what happened to your lip?' asked tokyo. evelyn was a bit flustered by tokyo's actions and was thankful that it was too dark in the room to see her red cheeks.

'oh...uh' evelyn was a bit hesitant but when she made eye contact with tokyo, the words started flowing through her mouth. 'rio hit me with his gun but i guess it was justifiable because i hit him with a book first' evelyn mumbled. the girl looked away, embarrassed at her actions when tokyo gently grabbed her chin and made her look into her eyes again. 'why did you hit him?' asked tokyo, knowing that evelyn wouldn't just hit him without a reason. 'he was pointing the gun at anne and she was on the ground so...'.

tokyo was extremely disappointed at rio and now understood evelyn's actions. 'he shouldn't be doing that' tokyo mumbled. evelyn sighed and rested her head on tokyo's shoulder again. the reality of the situation then hit her. she was resting her head on one of the heist men that were holding them hostage but she wasn't scared. evelyn felt peaceful.

unknowingly, evelyn fell asleep on tokyo's shoulder. after a while of silence, tokyo realised that evelyn had drifted off to sleep and was going to go when she realised that they had been holding hands the whole time. tokyo smiled even though she knew she shouldn't be. she slowly let go of evelyn's hand, kind of missing the warmth.

and the next thing evelyn knew, she was waking up on the couch in the small room with her sister. could last night have been a dream? the more evelyn started to become aware, the more she was convinced that it was a dream. except for one thing that made her believe that it was all real.

her bottle of medicine that was sitting on the table in front of her.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2023 ⏰

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