Chapter 13: And So They Fought

Start from the beginning

"Mira-AAAAHHH!" Natsu screamed from the hourglass.

He was right. She didn't even have enough magic left to transform again. Would this be the end for her? As her Halphas form faded, Mirajane reached out for Natsu, a sad smile on her face as she lost consciousness, plummeting toward the waiting spikes below. Natsu, my love… I'm so glad I could love you… even for such a short time.

~~~Erza and Wendy~~~

"AAAAHH!" Erza cried out as another bolt she had been unable to block impacted her arm. She nearly dropped the sword she was carrying. Next to her, Wendy was now on the floor, unable to bear anymore of the pain coursing through her body.

"How much longer can you last?" Her opponent smirked, shooting another ball of energy at the scarlet-haired mage. "How much longer till I break you."

Erza looked up, staring the other woman in the eyes with a glare that only the most dangerous of her enemies ever saw. "I won't forgive you for doing that to Wendy…"

"Second Origin: Release!"

"Oh, what's this?" The woman shot another energy ball, scoring a hit to her chest. Erza felt like her heart was being ripped out through her sternum.

"Requip: Nakagami Armor!"

"It's time to end this!" She said, instantly dispelling another black lightning bolt that was about to hit her.

The other mage's eyes widened in shock as she cast her most powerful spell. An enormous ball of dark lightning surrounded the Erza, while huge bolts of dark lightning converged on the requip mage from all sides.

"Now you're dead for sure." She grinned, but the grin was wiped from her face when Erza rushed unharmed from the midst of her attack, her sword striking a blow too quick and powerful to be defended against.

"How?..." The mage cried out as she fell to the ground, then lost consciousness.

Erza returned to her normal Heart Kruz armor, breathing heavily and leaning on her sword.

~~~Natsu and Mira~~~

MIIIRAAA!" Suddenly the etherium melted around the battered dragon slayer, the hourglass, and to the other mage's horror he ate the molten etherium. When he'd finished, the intensity of the heat expanded and the hourglass itself melted.

"How?..." The other mage was just shocked. "Nobody should be able to melt that… only dragon's fire was powerful enough to melt Etherium…"

Natsu knew he had to do something fast. Mirajane was only a few seconds away from certain death. He did the only thing he could think of.

"Fire Dragon King's Inferno Apocalypse!"

This was his most destructive spell… Igneel had once told him he should never use it, as it was capable of destroying entire continents, but maybe… just maybe…

A fireball exploded on the ground, laying instant waste to all the weapons and spikes below them and engulfing the whole area in fire. Natsu's love was protected from the searing heat of the flames because they were connected to his feelings, but the other mage felt their full force. His eyes opened wide with terror as the flames engulfed him, never believing that he could be defeated by anyone, let alone a simple fire mage like this…

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