Chapter 11: The Battle Begins

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Gray, Juvia!" Makarov called from the door to his office.

"Coming master!" The two mages got up and headed to the guild master's office.

Once they were inside and sitting, Makarov leaned forward.

"I'm going to make this as quick as possible. You two need to get to the location that Cana's going to without her noticing that you're there."

"You want us to follow Cana on a drinking request?" Gray said.

"No questions. There's something very wrong going on right now. Think about it. In the past week, we've had 3 requests show up that paid highly for a job that should've been simple. That may be a coincidence, but Lucy also hasn't returned yet from her request…"

"You think someone's trying to lure us out?" Juvia said.

"That's what it looks like to me," Makarov said. "Which is why I need you to go undercover. Don't look like you're there with her. Get there at a separate time. Find out what's going on, and if there is an enemy, do not engage until you've reported back to me. I'm giving you a communications lacrima, so make sure to use it as soon as anything suspicious happens."

"Why not send Laxus? If someone is targeting Fairy Tail members, he'd be able to deal with them quickly," Gray said

"Laxus is out on Tenroujima for training… I don't want to recall him unless it's absolutely necessary."

"Juvia will be happy to go," Juvia said. "And Gray-sama will too."

"Good," Makarov said. "Cana's probably already on a train, so there's no time to waste. I'm going to have one of those new magic cars get you to this point here…" He pointed to a sharp turn on the railroad. "You should be able to board the train easily at that point. Make sure you spot Cana, and make sure she doesn't spot you."

With that, the two mages departed.

~~~Natsu's party~~~

"Take Over: Eligos!" Natsu shouted. His transformation was instant, horns sprouting from the side of his head and a pale, skeletal winged steed beneath him. A lance appeared in his hand, and armor that was blacker than midnight.

"Natsu, you've already used a lot of magic power…" Mirajane said. "That form will burn through magic power fast…" She chose to use her Halphas transformation.

"Then we'll just have to take 'em out fast!" Natsu grinned. The others were gaping, never having seen him use take over magic.

Maybe you should fight using dragon slayer magic…" Erza said, but before she even finished the sentence he was gone.

Mira sighed, rolling her eyes. "He likes that form because he thinks the horse looks cool…" Then she was on the attack as well.

Natsu's lance, though it moved too fast to see, was blocked by the steel mage. Mirajane's attack knocked back an opponent, but he was up again quickly. The two mages were already exchanging blows by the time Erza and Wendy joined the fray.

Mira dodged as her opponent sent an enormous blast of fire in her direction. Natsu also dodged as the steel mage produced swords out of nowhere and began attacking with them in rapid succession.

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