Christmas Speical

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A/N: this takes place after the events of the story, but I felt you all deserve a Christmas gift ;)

24th December 10:30 pm

With a deep sigh, you finally threw the last part of the file, which was the White Panther case; for; the previous six months of fighting the White Panther it was over, and for the last month, you had helped the police force by doing the giant file on her closing the file shut your head slammed on top of it "fuckkkkk why did I agree to this?" You felt a hand on your back "because I paid you double for it, plus you were so close to the case" Misty smiled look at you. "Yeah, yeah, now it's over; at last, I'm going home for Christmas, but I got you something."

Going into your draw, you gave a little wrapped box to Misty; getting up, the tired dragon grabbed the last of his things and put on his Santa hat; with a final wave, Y/N was out of the door snow had already fallen, and was coming down more crunching through the snow to your snow-covered ford getting in and warming the car up you texted the group.

Good Guys chat

Hey guys on my way home now- Y/N

About time we were getting worried you were going to spend Christmas with Misty- Shark

F off :P I had to finish the White Panther case- Y/N

Hahaha, hurry up N/N we are watching your favorite Christmas movie, but we are waiting for you <3- Wolf

Yeah, Piranha and Webs have been slaving over the eggnog just for you- Snake

And I've been slaving over an oven getting ready for tomorrow and stuffing the turkey- Diane

How about I stuff your turkey now, then~- Y/N

Duddde, go to your NSFW chat for that >:)- Piranha

Going to the NSFW, which only you, Wolf, Diane, Webs, and Snake were apart of, the chat was littered with dick pics, boobs, and a bunch of NSFW things.

As I was saying, my dick is feeling a little cold this Christmas- Y/N

You sent a pic of your shaft with mistletoe hanging over it; you got four hearts as a response from each of your lovers.

Good, because I be hella thirsty~- Webs

Letting the chat carry on without you turning the radio on and the windscreen wipers 'Driving home for Christmas' started to play, singing along you did start to drive home to the song, passing by the lights that LA have to provide; you soon got home grabbing the presents from the boot you opened the front door and yelled: "MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!" popping their heads out and putting the gifts down you were pulled into a group hug by the group "sorry I'm so late that case went on forever now let's really enjoy the holidays!" Putting the presents under the tree.

Shark left and soon came back carrying logs with him for the fire as Webs came in handing you some eggnog to, which you took with a smile "ooooh lovely, thank you" Diane and Wolf followed, bringing in party food as Shark lit the fire Snake put on your favorite movie as Diane and Wolf sat either side of you Webs was on your head. Snake coiled himself around you all with a blanket. You all snuggled down, ready for a Christmas classic. It was past midnight when the movie was done; everyone was tired, and you all went to bed with smiles.

Christmas Day 8:00 am

"IT'S CHRISTMAS!" Piranha yelled, walking you all up at 8 in the morning and looking around; the bed was empty except for you "where is everyone?" Suddenly the door was kicked open by Diane carrying breakfast in bed. "Merry Christmas, baby~" sitting up, you ate your breakfast, looking at Diane, "I remember when you used to do this on my birthday before I went to prison" "I know that's why I wanted to do this again~."

After enjoying your breakfast and one hot and steamy shower with Diane, you headed downstairs and started to open presents with the new family you had gained; the last present was from Wolf; he handed it to you opening it revealed a picture of you all after your victory over the White Panther it brought a smile to your face after that came Christmas dinner as you all sat down and Y/N picked up a glass. "To the new family I've gained and my first Christmas out of prison!" A loud cheer was heard from everyone.

That night everybody was either drunk or tipsy, not that it mattered as tomorrow you could rest but today, today was a day for celebration and happiness.

A/N: Merry Christmas, everyone from my family to yours 🎄

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