Bad Guy Vs Bad Guy

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You woke up; looking to your right was Wolf; he opened a sleepy eye "morning, handsome," he stated, kissing his forehead; you saw something moving under the covers "does my Wolf like head kisses or what I still got inside?" He nuzzled himself deeper into your chest and held on "maybe both now; how about we get some more sleep, huh? It's still early~" You rested your head onto of his and fell back asleep in each other warm embrace, waking up again a few hours later. Your phone was vibrating a private number "hello?"

"The White Panther will be robbing the first bank of LA; best get there soon" the caller then hung up, pulling off and out of Wolf; you got dressed in all black going downstairs. Snake and Webs saw you heading for the garage "where are you off too?" Snake asked, "to stop The White Panther and no; you can't come" you drove out on your bike toward the bank. Getting there was a white van. Putting on a helmet and attaching a silencer to your pistol, you snuck in, seeing six hostiles all wearing the same White Panther masks; one was keeping guard on the hostages "now listen, anyone move, and you won't be getting back up, okay?"

The people just nodded, scared; you climbed up to the ceiling so as not to be noticed until you were right above him, then you fell down, grabbing him and pointing your gun at his head. "I saw six of you in total anymore?" "Oh god, please, I don't wanna die" "then answer fuck face" "seven, including me, the White Panther, is here after the nightclub; she wanted to see it done right." Smacking him in the head, he fell to the ground in a heap "come on, follow me." You said, pulling out the hostages; unknown to you, the silent alarm had been pulled, and the police soon came with a news crew that saw you coming out.

"HANDS UP, CRIMINAL!" "It's my Misty!" You yelled back, taking off the helmet "oh Y/N, sorry, I didn't know" "It's fine, just block the back exits, please; I will handle this personally" you walked back in as Tiffiny spoke into he camera. "OMG, what you just saw, everyone was recently falsely accused prisoner Y/N L/N saving hostages from a robbery and has now gone back in for the criminals; what a true hero we have here today!" Going back in, one guy was dragging a bag of money only to see a gun pointed at him "come on, man, and I got a family," a bullet through the chest was the response. Walking over him, you headed upstairs, seeing two more goons demanding the access code "if you don't give up the code, I'm going to start shooting, and then things will get bloody."

You tapped them both on the shoulder, and turning around; they were met with fists to the face knocking them out "go, the exit is clear" "oh, thank you, kind sir" as he got downstairs, he ran, only to hear yelling, "HEY STOP! OOF!" You jumped on the guy and shot him in the head as another guy ran around the corner; his shotgun fired, but you rolled over the counter; removing the silencer, you slowly flanked him, slamming his head against a wall; you let him slide as the last guy came you shot in, and finally you heard a voice that same damn voice that had haunted you for the previous five years.

"What is taking you idiots so" CLICK The White Panther looked towards you "do I know you?" She asked with a thud; you dropped your helmet to the ground "probably not; you never did like getting your hands dirty" "Emerald Claw going solo these days, are you?" "So what if I am? I wanted to see the look on your face after the nightclub shame I couldn't. I had a booty call" she looked disgusted, "charming" "well, when you spend five years locked up in prison, you will take what you can get" "I meant to say thank you for falling for my trap, and you are in the big leagues now I mean I've got a whole crew you are just one person."

"Yeah, I mean, I was and still am salty that I got duped by you, but I've got to ask, what are you using the impossible gem for anyway?" She rolled her eyes "yes because I always wanted to tell you my plans so you could stop it. Don't bullshit yourself, Emerald Claw; if you couldn't see a trap coming, then what makes you think you will understand my plans?" You shrugged with a smile "we both know I will stop you; in the end, we both are bad guys, but I'm starting to drift off that road I feel" "going good are we? Pathetic, but time is ticking on. I will let you have this win."

She then bull-rushed you as she stabbed you in the abdomen, twisting it; she laughed as you fired your gun; she screamed in pain, holding where her right ear had been. She then ran off and jumped out a second-story window yanking out the knife. You leaned against a wall as you created a small fireball to seal the wound, yelling angrily; the wall and ground cracked. You made your way outside "she got away, Chief, but the others are in there either dead or knocked out." "Thank you, Y/N," waking to your bike, claps and cheers were heard for you as you started to drive off, then something came to your head.

'If or when you are ready to forgive me come to the museum.' You remember Diane said that you then made a call, "Diane?" "Y/N, what's up?" "I think I'm ready to finally forgive you." "Does this mean?"

"Yes I'm coming to the museum."

The original bad guy (male reader x the bad guys)Where stories live. Discover now