xxx. the beginning of the end

Start from the beginning

She opened her bedroom door, and as usual Louis stood outside her door. "She lives," Louis remarks sarcastically as she walks by, "I thought you might have been bedridden forever."

"It's called taking a day off, Louis, you should try it." Aurora replied, going down the hallway.

"Maybe if you didn't need protecting all the time then I could have a day off." He replied.

"You're the one who feels the need to protect me," She shouted back and he rolled his eyes in response.

When she walked into the changing room, Hestia stood there measuring out a dress on a mannequin that loosely resembled both Aurora's size and height. The brunette turned around when she saw her and a soft smile painted itself on her lips.

"Bonjour," Hestia smiled, examining her. "Vous aviez l'air fatigué."

"You can fix that." Aurora smiled back.

Aurora sat down in the chair once she had changed into her dress for the day, which had been a very neutral colour red long dress that came down to her ankles. It was long sleeved with golden cuffs wrapping tightly around her wrists, inside each of the golden cuffs had been two small tiny knives in case of an emergency. It was a v neck line dress with two slits in the ribcages of the dress and was wrapped tightly with three dark pieces of thick rope.

Hestia stood behind Aurora, a wooden comb in her hands as she gently ran the wooden instrument through the ends of Aurora's hair.

"What are your plans for the day?"

"My plans are the same as any other day," Aurora told Hestia, lifting up two pair of golden earrings to her ears to see which suited her better. In her opinion they both suited her but Hestia discreetly put down one pair of them and handed her the pair which the small golden hearts in the middle. "I am going to go have breakfast, wait for my boyfriend to wake up, then I'll go into the entrance room and hear the people's problems and have a late council meeting afterwards. After all of that is done then I'll probably end up spending the rest of the day in the library trying to find out if there is a way of unlinking me, Luke and Harry to Runskin."

Hestia nods gently, "I saw your mother entering the library early this morning...she was probably doing the same."

Aurora listened to Hestia's words but made no comment. She didn't even factor seeing Magnolia or Sirius into her list for the day. She wanted to know if Magnolia knew a way of unlinking them but judging by the sick expression on her and Sirius when they realised they were unlinked. Aurora knew this was a bad thing. Maybe even it was undoable.

"Any opinions on that?" Hestia asked, a slight teasing in her tone.

"No opinions at all." Aurora replied in an equally teasing tone. Hestia playfully rolled her eyes with a smile on her lips. A few moments passed and Hestia continued to gently comb the ends of her hair, which allowed her to actually form a moment with her thoughts. She had tried her hardest over the last day to not think about the fact that everyone had been here, that Sirius and Magnolia were here. "I don't ... I don't know what to feel."

Hestia looked in the mirror at Aurora with an understanding nod in her way, not a pitiful one or one that suggested she was about to try and convince Aurora to forgive them, like everyone seemed to expect her to. "That is understandable, you have been through so much."

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