I ventured away from the road while maintaining my attention at the digital map that portrayed me as a blue dot. I continued on towards the large plants and chain link fence until the sound of commotion began to emit from a distance.

Curiosity encouraged my hands to fight pass all the remaining foliage until I reached a clearing. The sudden sight before me had rooted me at my place with a flickering gaze and a pounding heart.

My view consisted of a large array of spray painted concrete and graffiti'd ramps. It was enveloped by countless skateboarders that filled the air with the sounds of laughter, tricks being failed and executed, and the never-ending noise of skimming wheels.

Fuck yeah.

I ducked down to enter the small crevice that had been cut open on the chainlink fence. I awkwardly looked around at everyone seemingly lost in their own groups and bubbles so I decided to do the same. I skated along pyramids, wave ramps, and a really cool launch ramp I had never tried before.

It was not until I had skated onto a half pipe is when I saw her fall. Her hair was jet black and visibly silky smooth. It parted down the middle to hug against her naturally freckled cheeks and fierce almond shaped eyes.

"Hey, are you okay!" I quickly rushed towards her and didn't hesitate to lend her a hand.

"You tripped her!" A much tinier voice came running up at us out of nowhere, causing my attention to frantically land on a small child along with another boy and a girl.

"No I didn't!" My face began to redden.

"Yes you did!" The girl on the ground angrily turns back towards me with a hiss.

My heart fell down to my stomach as I stared at all of them in fear. "What?" I inaudibly let out.

The girl who tripped suddenly bursts out laughing and uses my extended arm to get herself up. Her laughter was joined in by the others walking towards us.

"I'm just playing with you." She cracks a devilish smile and suddenly cracks the tension in half.

"You should've seen the look on your face!" A much shorter girl cackled while rushing towards her with a hug barely completing because of her tiny arms.

I let out a nervous chuckle before turning to face the girl that began to speak. "I'm Miyako, but you can call me Miya." She says while giving the tiny girl a couple pats on the head.

I observed how closely they resembled each other as I responded. "I'm Dydan."

She nods and looks down at the tiny child before her. "Well this is my little sister, Hitomi." She suddenly turns to raise a hand towards the other two. "That's Nikolai and that's Atalia."

The first thing I noticed about
Nikolai was how each of his eyes were a different color. One blue and one green, sitting just above his sharp features and a dirty blonde hair. I was only taller than him a few inches but he was much more bulkier than me. I also noticed how talented he was in acting like I didn't exist, skimming past my existence by ignoring my nod and eye contact.

The other girl however; Atalia waved and nonchalantly spoke right after a loud pop of her gum. "What's up." She wore thick lashes that accentuated her dark brown eyes. Her lips were lined with makeup, creating a beautiful gradient to the pinkish tone of her gloss that complimented her dark glowing skin very well.

If I were being honest, all these kids seemed pretty intimidating.

I nervously scratched the back of my neck and gave all of them a shy glance. "So-uh-um, are you okay?" I repeated my concern to Miya.

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