Chapter 2

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It has been eras since Tommy and Dream kinda died. It was getting lonelier and lonelier as the days went by.
At least that was until Sapnap came running in the manor. "Guys! Guys!" The three of their heads snapped up and looked to where Sapnap was running in from.

"Ranboo and Tubbo, remember them?" Sapnap questioned, his sentence parting a little as he caught his breath and the three of them nodded in response.

"They left a while ago with some kid named Micheal, why do you bring it up now?" Phil questioned as he shifted his sitting position.

"Okay well we dont know for sure but, Tubbo and Ranboo are pretty sure they saw Tommy! But just because it looked like him they didn't take any chances."

The three members of the SBI were shocked and maybe some happiness gleamed from inside of them.

"So you just bring up the kid that we all looked after is alive?!" Wilbur's question was a shout.

"Well not technically... Tommy is well different. He's young- ah younger, then we last saw him. The thing is Dream is no where to be found." George butted in, explaining the situation to them.

"He said something about a bookshelf, right Sapnap? Have you guys found out anything yet?" Phil asked unsure.

"Nope.." Sapnap's hand came to his bag, he pulled out something that looked like a letter. "The house that Dream and Tommy lived at is now bought by a family called the Innes." The paper that they thought was a letter was a form of someone buying the house.

"Oh, soo you cant get in?" Wilbur questioned as he twirled his necklace around his finger.

"Not physically allowed too, they'd call the police on us or something, you might live in a manor but me and Sapnap live in a house in the village. They're cops like everywhere almost. It's annoying." George explained and complained as well and Phil hummed in response.

"Oh I also have this!" Sapnap pulled out a photo on his phone. "See that picture?" Sapnap didn't give them the time to answer the question, "Thats the family that bought the house and thats their child. He's around 8 or 7 maybe even 9 give or take."

"So how did you get the document of them buying the house?" Techno questioned, as he looked at the document then the photo.

"UHHHHH...." Phil blinked at Sapnap and George. "What the fuck did you two do?" There was an uncomfortable silence for a couple minutes.

"George broke the cars window and grabbed it!" Sapnap pointed to the mooshroom hybrid. "SAPNAP WANTED ME TO!" George shouted back, thus backing this turn into a whole argument.

"Alright alright!" Phil ended the argument between the two. " We just have to earn back Tommy's trust right? He could very still remember us-" Sapnap cut him off by saying, "No...The spell that Dream used made him forget everything like he was reborn."

"How about one of us sneaks into the house?" Techno suggested as pulled up a map of the village. "It dosent look that hard for us to sneak in there."

"One of us, Techno. We should really go all in if Tommy dosent even remember us. He would just scream and run out probably." Wilbur responded to his brother...

"We have some planning to do...Sapnap do me a favor and close the blinds." Phil said and Sapnap nodded, shutting all the blinds then walked back to the table.

"You know Henry, it would be so much more fun if I actually had friends..." The cow stuff animal looked offended, "Not to be rude! Geez....I hate being locked in the damn room with nothing to do, its boring and sad..." Tommy muttered into the cows fur?

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