The night before

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He opens the book slowly getting ready to read it"once upon a Time. In a far off Land"it starts off on the first page as his kids are shown listening and paying attention wanting to know what the story is about before the dad is shown again."there stood a lowly shack hardly fit for an animal to live"describing the house on the page.

It goes to read more but his son interrupted him"wait a minute don't these stories usually start with a castle? Is this a fairy tale"listen Andrew ask knowing how the stores usually start off with as he sits up using his elbow as he plays with his baseball glove.

"Let's just give it a few pictures"the dad says not really knowing how to answer that question not really knowing this book really well he goes to read the page again but his daughter interrupts him this time with her fear"there aren't any, uh, sheep in any of these fairy tales, are there?"ask her father while her brother closes his eyes annoyed with his sister's fear while their father holds up a finger as to say just slight one minute before looking at the book again going to read.

Soon the page is shown with a round picture of the shack with trees all around wood logs stocked up against it as smoke coming out of the chimney"close to a large forest, there lived a woodcutter and his family."his voice is heard in the background before the page turns showing the inside of two little kids and what appeared look like the kitchen with many pots and souvenirs and whatnot hung up on the walls with hay everywhere is a table in the middle as they sit on the bench"they were very poor and had little to eat"soon color is showing on the pages bringing the image to life as flames lit up on the candle the two kids are seen eating what look like bread and cheese hurriedly."the boy was named Hansel and the girl Gretel while their father and older sister Phoenix spent their days searching for food, the children were left to the care of their wicked stepmother"a close-up is shown of the two kids eating her early before a bang was heard as the door was still open they're evil stepmother steps in catching them red-handed as they freeze like a deer caught in headlights.

A close up is shown of her with her long dark brown hair done up elegantly hazel eyes glaring at them"rats, eating all my bread."a close position of the kids dropping the food they were eating as their stepmother had caught them"well, we all know what happens to rats"she says with a deadly smart before rushing over to the broom picking it up holding it close up to her head"they get squished"she is seen stumping towards them. her stumps could be heard loud each step she gets closer. She stops and gasp cancel holds out a small triangle shaped piece of cheese in front of her"my cheese"she says in shock before Hansel throws it up in the air catching it in his mouth chewing on it making her glare as she starts angrily screaming with her teeth clenched shut fixing to hit him with the room while not nursing girl bending down grabbing the rug underneath her feet. Brittle is seen looking sideways with a smug smile before pulling the rug from underneath her we could set my feet causing her to shout and shock as she flips over in the air before landing play to the ground. Kids high five each other soon their father and older sister walk through the door at the scene in front of the wide eye at what happened."what's in the living dayless is going on?"the father asked as his daughter sits down there hunting gear one of the little siblings run to their father and older sister with smiles"father! Phoenix!"hugging them both tight as they get down underneath to reach their height while the stepmother was slowly lifting herself painfully off the floor turning to look at them. His wife brunhilda "we have rats in the house."as Hansel and Gretel look at her with white raised eyebrows"rats?"happy father says confused "Rats huh"Phoenix says with a raised eyebrow as she looks her younger siblings knowing it was them as they give her a slight sheepish smile but she lets it slide knowing how their stepmother is.

"Yes huge rats and they ate a week's worth of bread and my cheese"she says with a whiny voice not realizing her will slip up when the father and Phoenix look at her without raised eyebrow"we had cheese in it weeks worth of bread" both say at the same time as making sure they heard her right. Brunhilda goes wide eye for a second realizing her little slip up before putting on a fake smile playing it off"no just wishful thinking we never have any food."she says with fake sadness and she goes to get up while the father chuckles happily while Phoenix smiles knowing they were able to catch something for food tonight.

"Well tonight, we feast"he stands up as he probably holds out a dead ferret they hunted the kids look happy well his wife had to hold back disguste off her face looking at it"oh honey-ferret my favorite I'll just stick it in the pot and we'll have stew"he says that she takes the dead ferret from his hands and makes her way to the kitchen.

Well the kids get excited and hold with their father on the table Phoenix goes into the room where her clothes are and changes out of her hunting clothes she changed into a blue dress with a corset the dress ended down to her ankles right above her black heels her dress was long sleeved so it wasn't much of a hassle. Soon as she joined the family after pulling her hair up and sitting down to eat with the family her younger siblings told her about the rocks and things he gave them and she listened happily knowing her siblings were happy. Soon it was time to go to bed the two kids went to their little twin beds that were built one above the other. While Phoenix went to hers that they built not knowing what destruction would come in the morning.

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