26 days

342 17 6

Dear diary,

I fucking hate it, I hate the fact that I have no control over this side of me! I tried to sleep yesterday, but I just couldn't, and after I wrote the last diary entry... I relapsed.

Not much!

Just a few small cuts and it was just from me scratching, then I stopped myself, but I guess the damage had already been done.

I couldn't even get out of bed, well scratch that j didn't even make it there last night, I just camped out on the floor with the ungodly amount of pillows and blankets I have, but I couldn't get myself to even go out on patrol.

This is the first day I haven't done any hero work in a long long time. To the commission its 'hey your injured? Well here ya go! Do paperwork all day instead.' Or 'hey your ill? Well take a shit ton of medication and go patrol quiet areas all day.' Never a 'have the day off to recover.'

The last day off I had was because of... The thing.

Anyway, like I said yesterday, thank god the other heroes have no idea where I live. And thank god I managed to buy this apartment without the commissions notice, otherwise they would have come banging on my door by now.

I know I need to face the truth of what happened to my interns.

I know I need to find out which ones are even alive.

But I just can't.

I'm afraid to find out.

My phone didn't stop blowing up this morning, and I contemplated chucking it out the window, but instead I just muted it.

Im actually quite surprised that the pros even care at all. To them I'm just some cocky hero who got lucky with his rankings. They view me as a weapon, right?

They know me, but they don't see me.

Night, Keigo Takami, Hawks

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