But Shoyo had a different view of the boy.

Even when his words were like venom, his aura was calm and soft.

His words don't match his aura.

It reminded Shoyo of a child.

The brunette scoffs as he opens the door to the office only to take a glance at the ginger before entering and closing the door.

Shoyo felt a sudden chill as they made eye contact.

Kageyama and the rest were not happy when they saw the wolf take a glance at the ginger.

They were in protective mode.

"Shoyo... Don't ever. Ever. Go near that guy... He's not someone you want to know..."

Sugawara warns as he puts his hand on the ginger's shoulder while looking straight into his eyes.

He was serious.

The tangerine nods his head.

"You two! You better keep an eye on your enemies... Whether they're your friends or not... Understood."

Daichi said as he looked at the two crows who gave a nod.

'This is not a war though?... Why so serious?..."

Shoyo thought as he thinks they were too serious about child's play.

"Alright! You three go inside now! And make sure you take the crown alright!"

Nishinoya exclaims as he gives the freshmen a thumbs-up for encouragement.

Kageyama and Shoyo give a thumbs-up as well while Tsukishima just went inside the room first leaving his two teammates.

"Ah- That four eyes left us?!"

The ginger exclaimed as he follows behind the blonde crow.

Kageyama then bids goodbye to his sempais and goes inside as well.

The older guys sigh as they pray for their freshmen's safety.

All they can do now is wait and support them.

They all walked away but they were wearing serious expressions.

"The rules have been changed by the last minute..."

Sugawara says with a heavy voice.

Daichi and the others frown.

"Looks like they target one of our freshmen..."

Tanaka added as he smiles scarily.

"Those two should be able to protect him... We can put our trust in those two... I'm sure..."

The captain of the crows said as they disappeared from the distance.

Inside professor Nekomata's office, all of the participants from different year levels are now gathered inside.

Shoyo was inside with his colleagues.

Kageyama and Tsukishima of course, and Inuoka and Goshiki were sitting beside them.

All five of them were representative of the freshmen class.

Shoyo looks around and sees some familiar faces he never knew would join the competition as well.

From their Sophomore, there were the two coyotes he bumped before. The twin foxes and an eagle that goshiki introduced him to before, Shirabu-san.

Next are the Juniors.

They have two eagles, Ushijima and Tendo-san with Bokuto and Kuroo who were teasing another two wolves the ginger met before.

And lastly, the ice fox who was having a conversation with Ushijima.

'They have the most participants...'

The ginger thought as he looked away from them to not let them notice his presence.

And finally, the seniors came inside late.

And they only have two representatives.

The smallest group in history to compete.

A familiar long black-haired male came inside with his friend a blonde tall male who had the same wings as the three freshmen.

"Oh? Shoyo-kun? You're joining as well? What a coincidence!"

The blonde male said as his eyes caught a familiar orange hair in the corner of the room.

He smiles as he waves a hi.


The ginger said as he never thought they would meet here.

The black-haired male beside Akiteru also waves as he greets his favorite freshman.

"Nice seeing you here, Shoyo-kun..."

"Udai-san! You're here too?"

Shoyo beamed as he missed the male since they first met.

They never got the chance to see each other as the freshmen's class was far from the Seniors.

The two gave each other a friendly hug as they talked about the things that happened.

Akiteru then went to his younger brother.

"Make sure you protect him alright."

Tsukishima scoffs as he looks away from his older brother.

"I'm not like you..."

The boy responds with a frown on his face.

Akiteru could only chuckle as he roughly ruffles his little bro's hair affectionately.

"Good luck okay!"

He says before walking away with Udai who bids goodbye to the freshmen.

Tsukishima got annoyed as his hair was now messed up and his glasses almost fell from his face.

Inuoka stifles a laugh as he knows the salty crow loves his brother dearly as well.

"Quite it, dog."

Tsukishima warned as the canine looked away.

And finally.

Professor Nekomata arrives and instantly gives out the news that shocked the whole students inside.

"You all will be dueling inside a dungeon underground... The high priest announced."


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