Time for change

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                                                           Sunday, June 14th 1942, Toms Pov 

Tom stirred groaning at the pain from the previous day as he hesitantly opened his eyes. he saw he was still in the chamber and the memories came flooding back. He gave himself a weak smile as he pushed himself up into a sitting position hissing in pain at the sudden movement. He took a deep breath searching for his wand, summoning a pain potion, he knew it wouldn't take away the pain completely but it would help. he chugged the whole ption in once sip, grimacing at the bitter taste before letting out a breath of relief at the pain slowly fading. he carefully stood up being thankful for the potion. he looked at his diary laying on the floor and he felt a ping of achievement in his heart. He picked it up discreetly shoving it into his robes before looking around and deciding to make his way back to him dorm before someone notices he's gone. he hurries out of the chamber noticing myrtles body is still there and extremely pale, he smirks before making sure the coast is clear and hurrying to the dungeons. He entered his common room rushing straight to his dorm going to his bed closing the curtains and casting a silencing spell. He had hoped to get more rest seeing as its the weekend and there are no lessons but before he got the chance to he noticed a piece of paper laying gently on his pillow. He picked it up looking around making sure it wasn't a sick prank before allowing himself to read it. 

                                                                            Isabelle's note to Tom

To my dearest Thomas,

If you're reading this then it's most likely for the best. You may not believe me but listen. I don't know if there's even any more time left but I do know that you've been avoiding me, and I think I understand why, at first it hurt, no scratch that, it still hurts, more then ever, not just because I can't bare to lose you but because it's physically hurts. I've waited long enough to tell you. I don't want to get in your way that's why I didn't tell you earlier because I wasn't sure if it'd make much of a difference but now I know either way you should know. As you know, whether you believe it or not we are soulmates. That's for sure. I knew that. But what I didn't know is that our souls.. our souls are connected Tom. I learned that about a month ago. I was so hurt after you started avoiding me, I really was. But without you I felt like something was wrong and at first I thought it was just pain from being ignored until I realized it was physically draining me. And I couldn't take it. I went into the restricted section in the library. Everyday. Until I found what I was looking for. There was this book that explained it all. The soul connection between two heirs. We are not only soulmates but the day we met is the day our souls united. Our souls have always been half. Searching to be complete. When I met you. I'll be honest I was not the biggest fan. But I grew to be extremely fond of you in a way that I couldn't explain. I denied it at first but I soon realized I was IN love with you. I didn't know how to feel especially because I didn't know how you'd feel. But after reading this book and after the dream I had which I know your unaware of but it's all making sense. Why I've felt so broken since you've been avoiding me. The more you avoid me the more our soul connection breaks. And if it breaks completely well, that won't really end in the best way for me or in other words I'm dead as fuck. I felt it chipping away more and more as of recent which only makes me believe I'm losing you quicker. I know I can't change you that's why I have waited so long to tell you. I saw you last night leaving. And even though I'm not aware for what, I doubt it's anything good and with that I know our soul connection is coming to an end. I love you Tom. I really do. But neither of us can prevent this and honestly, I don't think it should be prevented. Whatever is to come in the future. Is meant to be. And we can't stop that. All I know is that I am not apart of that future. I guess there's not much more to say I just wanted to let you know the truth before I was incapable of doing so, do with this knowledge as you please. And also please never forget. You were loved by someone once Tom. And that someone was me. and at least we know my love for you will be forever as I will die while loving you. I don't want to die. But I know that's how it's supposed to be. I would be foolish to hope otherwise. I hope you choose the right path Tom. Even though unlikely. I wish you the best in everything and hope that one day our souls could reconnect.

𝓜𝔂 𝓵𝓲𝓽𝓽𝓵𝓮 𝓵𝓲𝓪--𝓣.𝓜.𝓡Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora