Chapter 10

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Kiba's pov 

I can't believe those jerks. What is wrong with them, I can't believe I was actually starting to fall for him. I can't believe I fell for that set up. Maybe if I had noticed it sooner then shikamaru, lee, and Naruto wouldn't look like their about to break down and the pain in their eyes wouldn't be there. I can hear those fuckers  yelling at us begging us to stop. " FUCK OFF" I yelled back at them. I could still here their footsteps on the concrete behind us. It was a 10 minute run to our house we could probably make it a minute before them if we run fast enough. "Shikamaru, if we speed up then we can probably make it to the house and close the door before they can bust it down," I yelled I know they heard what I said but idc right now. 

We started to speed up. The house was in sight, we can still hear their foot steps right behind us. We ran up the walk way and to the front door. Shikamaru was there fumbling with the keys trying to put it in the key hole. "Kiba please let us ex......" Shino didn't get the chance to finish for in the moment, I side kicked him in the gut sending him flying back into the others. 'I kinda feel bad............ what no, bad kiba not only did they set you up but they set your friends up, ur brothers up.....' I thought though, I was pulled inside with the door slammed shut but after Naruto yelled go away at them.

Karma's pov 

I heard Naruto scream go away at someone and slam the door shut. I quickly left the kitchen to see Naruto, lee, kiba, and shikamaru in the entire way with tears in their eyes. I ran over to them checking them making sure their not hurt I walked them over to the couch having two of them on either side of me with my arms draped over them. I waited until they were done crying to ask. " so what got you guys so up set that you slammed the door and cry like that." The truth is that they have never cried like that at least not after they cried their eyes out from the fact hitting them that they either are unwanted by their parents or their parents aren't here anymore. "Well *sniff* you see......". 

      After Naruto was done explaining what the thing was earlier to say I was mad is a under statement. To be honest I look at these boys like their my own kids. I may be a boy and I may be Naruto's step brother but I don't care. It's like I'm a single mom and their my kids, they mean something to me so, when jack shit like this happens to them I cant help but get pissed. "Ok well I have super ready in the kitchen, want me to bring y'all's food here to you and we can watch a movie" I asked The nodded their heads, " ok, hold on". I walked to the kitchen and fixed plates. ( you can images the food, what your favorite food?)

       I walk back to them handing them their plates. I sit back in my spot and turn on a movie, obviously nothing horror or romantic. Once the movie was finished I looked over to my sides, their all asleep. I grab the dirty dishes and put them in the sink. I walked back and carried them up the stairs one by one. Once i tucked them all in to Their beds I couldn't help but lean over and give each of them a kiss on the forehead. I walked down the stairs making sure that all the lights are off. "Ill do dishes tomorrow". After getting ready for bed I can't help but think I've heard the name sasuke before, I just don't know where. I fell into a dreamless sleep wondering where have i heard that name before.........

(Time skip)

    I wake up at the sound of my alarm. I get up and take a shower and dress in my work close. (He works at a insurance company, so thing of like office worker type clothes) i make some toast and eggs, eat really quick and set the boys breakfast out and wake them up. I walked out the front door and drove off to work. It's a 20 minute drive to work so i listen to the morning news. It's just the normal stuff, like the weather and just any traffic happening, i was listening when I had to turn up the radio. Apparently there's this group of men in  the area kidnapping people of all ages, the police want us to share any information we might have on the group or if we see them to call them. I can't help but be a little worried about the boys. I pull up to UCHIHA Industries. I park the car in the parking lot and walk in.

(Time skip)

    It's been 6 hours of non stop work, i swear this is going to be the death of me. 30 more minutes until i can leave, I'm still a little bit worried but its fine. I have been told I'm a worrier. I still wonder who those kids are though, sasuke, Neji, Garaa, and Shino. I look at the clock get up and leave. My work is done. Normally I would just go home but I'm still a little worried so I'm just going to pick them up. 

I'm 5 minutes away from the school, when i see them on the side of the road with a group of friends? I pull over and notice the looked on naruto, lee, shikamaru, and Kiba's faces, something's wrong. I get out of the car and instantly realize why. The guys surrounding them are those of the men from the photos. I quickly grab a branch of the ground. "HEY FUCKERS, leave my boys alone", I shouted. The men slowly turn around. 'Come on dude this isn't the movies don't try to act like your a badass when you probably still live in your moms basement.' " well what do we have here."

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