Chapter 2

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Sorry guys that I didn't update yesterday, I was with my grandparents, had to go to a rodeo. It was fun tho the cows went after the clown. 


sasuke- rodeo, yea right u where probably to lazy to update

SHUT UP IM TELLING THE TRUTH, if u don't believe me then go and do something else idc

lee's pov

I was the first one awake like normal it happens every weekend so I'm extremely used to it. I got out of bed and put on my favorite green jumpsuit. I went downstairs to find karma getting ready to head out the door to go to work. "Oh, good morning lee, I got to go to work before I'm late-again" he whispered the last part " can you make sure that everyone is packed and ready to go by 5:30" so you guys can get there on time".

I forgot to mention that they have to get there before 6:30 or they will be locked out and can't join

"Ok karma, have a good day at work and don't worry I will make sure Naruto and shigamaru get up before 12:00 my youthful friend." And with that karma gave a little smile and walked out the door. 'I think I should wake Naruto up so he make breakfast' I thought, I turned to the stairs to see a tired Kiba coming down the stairs. " Hey kiba, want to help me wake Naruto up so he can make breakfast, I don't feel like having cereal this morning, plus it might wake you up a bit more" I said, already mowing the answer. "I will get the bucket" he said with a smirk forming on his lips. 

Btw he's not going to say youthful as much as he does in the anime sorry.

Once Kiba brought back the bucket, we set it up on the counter and started putting water and a little bit of ice. It was hard to carry the heavy bucket up the stairs, but it's worth it. I quietly opened  the door to Naruto's bedroom. " aWe hE's sO cUtE  WheN hE's slEepInG", I looked at him them looked at kiba, " YoUR RiGHT He LooK'S So PEACeful". It took all I had not to laugh and I could tell kiba was trying really hard to. And with that we picked up the bucket and poured it on him. " WHAT THE HELL" Naruto said as he fell of the bed. Me and kiba fell on the ground laughing  our butts off it was hilarious or that's what we thought can't say the same thing for Naruto. "Do u know what time it is, ITS 9:00 IN THE MORNING" Naruto yelled not caring that shikamaru was still asleep. " But Naruto we want breakfast and u know me and kiba can't cook," I said, obviously I lied about me and Kiba not being able to cook, it's just Naruto is way better at cooking then the rest of us, even Kiba has to admit that. "And why should I when u poured ice cold water on me", Naruto stated. I sighed knowing all the boring work we will have to do while he makes breakfast. "Fine we will clean it up but you have to make us breakfast while we clean up the water and ice and do the laundry,"I sighed, " ok that's good enough, what you want for breakfast". "PANCAKES" me and kiba yelled out. "Jeez can I guys be noisier I was trying to sleep" shikamaru  yawned.


Naruto- *wheezes*

Shikamaru-" troublesome"

Well after that Naruto went down stairs to start cooking us pancakes, shikamaru went back to bed, and me and kiba started cleaning up all the ice and water off the floor. We finished cleaning up the mess when Naruto called from downstairs telling us food was ready. " so karma said we need to be packed and ready by 5:30," I said remembering what karma had told me before he left for work. Karma works as a waiter at this big fancy restaurant, a lot of famous and wealthy people dine there. For example the popular boys at our school (sasuke, neji, Shino, Garaa) and there caretaker (Itachi). Sometimes they have a few employees that get sick or are gone for a day or two and we would help and take there shift for them. Karma doesn't like us going there a lot since the customers can be a bit rube sometimes and we have to skip school from time to time but it's fine. Even if we only work for that one shift we still get the pay for doing it. It might not be the best job but it pays good so. After breakfast we relaxed and did some chores karma left us to do. Once we were done with that it was 4:57 so we all started packing.

~time skip brought to you by  jiraiya~

"We made it" I managed to huff out. We had to run all the way here. "man it's 6:25, any later and we wouldn't have made it",said kiba. We all walked into the school and headed to the gym. "Ok everyone gather around you know the drill," kakashi said in a annoyed tone. Once everyone was gathered and quiet down kakashi started explaining the rules again for those who may have forgotten, of course in a bored tone as if nothing could be as boring as explaining a few things to a couple of students. "Ok, so guys should already know so don't do something that might cause a parent sue the school, also the principal decided 'Hey why not make the students bond and play a child's game' so y'all or going to be playing hide and seek, of course the grades will stay separated and have to hide on there floor but other then that and the normal hide and seek rules everything else goes, also don't even try to hide outside or on the roof the door as of now are locked, sighs please go to Iruka to know if u are a seeker or a hider," kakashi, shikamaru, Naruto, Kiba , and everyone else in this place goes over to Iruka. He explains a few more details and gives everyone a peace of paper from a box, witch he shakes up every so often. We all walk away from the mess of people and open up the peace of paper.


We all got hider and what we found out next made it worse 

Hahahaha cliffhanger but I honestly think u guys can figure out what happened also sorry I didn't change the pov I will be trying to change pov to all the characters 😁 can't wait to write the next chapter also if y'all got any ideas for this story tell me!!!!

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