"The difference between like, love and in love is the same as for now, for a while and forever." I said in a consoling voice. He blinked.

"You told me a story, I'll tell you one. There was a girl and a boy. They were best friends. At the end of college, she wanted to study abroad. The boy excitedly made his plans to accompany her. But they were friends. She had liked him for a long time. But only as a friend. She never realised that he had developed feelings. She declined. But the boy over reacted and ended his life by jumping in front of a car. She called an ambulance. They didn't let her be with him. She was the reason why she was suffering, they said. They had actually poured the entire blame on her. It was not long before his suicide was termed as murder. She decided to move on. Her parents disowned her to save their face. She went abroad and continued her studies with her meagre savings and a job as waitress. She soon completed her education and applied for a job. But unfortunately she was placed as an employee in a start-up company. But she didn't give up. She worked hard to build the company almost like a mother who nurtured her child. But emotionally, she was stressed. She was the cause of death of over of her friends. The rumours made the society scorn at her. It was until she met a man. He found her as a damsel in distress. But he knew she hated pity. He helped her manage the company with business ideas and mended her broken heart. She recovered from a trauma she never realised she had. And she developed feelings for the man. She observed him sometimes. He was not the kind of person who had two faces. He was good through and through. He proposed her and she rejected. She knew she wasn't worth it. She had already discovered his true identity as a successful and rich businessman. For her to be his wife, she needed to be just as worthy. On the other hand, he didn't jump over a car or off a building to get revenge. Instead he became a very good friend on whom she could rely. She soon became the CEO of the company, supported by her followers who had felt her passion and hardwork. They believed in her potential to be a leader. And this time, she was satisfied with her status and married the man who had been with her through thick and thins. One who had been with her, even after rejection. He loved her at her worst and henceforth he deserved her at her best." The tears were now flowing freely.

Victor's face was crumpled with emotions. But he restrained himself.

"Very well. Every person has his own story where he is the hero, regardless of the character he plays in someone else's story. Every villain has a back story as well. I heard the back story of my villain, you heard the back story of yours. We're even. So the deal remains...unchanged. Make your decision quickly, I haven't got all day. The worst scenario you can imagine is I'll shoot you all and burn this place to ground." He said casually.

I started bidding time. The M3 Agents should've reached by now.

"If you're wondering about your little friends then know that they are already captured." He said.

As if on cue, his men dragged them into my sights, gagged and tortured.

"You have a minute to take your decision. Your time starts now."





I lifted my gun and noticed two bullets that were loaded.






I pointed the gun at James.




He was left free. And saw Junior entering into my eyesight. Beside him. He was left free as well. But there was no escape. I didn't miss the absence of one person.

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