Hiding the Past -hotel Motel Dam Sanctum (8-03-2018)

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The rest of the night, Milo was able to spend in the comfort of the hotel, which was starting to seem like home. No matter how overwhelming the events of the night seemed at the time. The scenario was already complicated enough without Justin's screaming and Grendel's involvement. After Grendel saunter off, Amy and Justin parted, leaving for Justin's place.

Milo was home for over two hours before Grendel stumbled in, struggling to get through the entrance. His clothes were dishevelled, speaking louder about how the night went. Which was more than what could be said about Grendel. He mumbled a few words before falling face-first onto the sofa.

After that, Richard showed up shortly. He stared at the couch and suddenly looked pale and downcast. He had the expression of total fear of someone who had just been told they had hours remaining of work but were already completely drained. It lasted for a second at most before disappearing. So that explains who was watching Grendel while he was gone. Milo reflected, feeling sorry for Richard.

A moment later, he seemed to perk up. "Better your problem than mine." He quietly remarked as he sat down on a nearby stool. "I was curious as to the current status of things. Assuming all is good?"

Milo would have been flattered by the concern for his well-being if it had been the proper Richard. The Richard in front of him wanted answers and was untrustworthy. It wasn't as if there were several Richards. He had no spit personalities or anything of the sort. But it was more that he brought work-life balance to an unprecedented level.

Richard at Work was calculating, cold, and ruthless. This was the message he conveyed to the majority of humanity. Whatever you say will be used against you. The oddest thing, however, was. Whenever he felt at ease. Molly and Grendel coined the phrase "work/home Richard" to describe his dual persona at work and at home. One could confide in him about anything, and Milo thought he was the most loyal person he had ever encountered.

Richard's appearance at this time was not malicious in his opinion. The issue was that Milo wanted him to get directly to the point. "What particularly do you want, Richard?" Milo inquired, his gaze fixed on the other. He moved in front of Richard from the far end of the kitchen.

"I was only wondering, as I told you..." Richard paused as if they were anxious about what they were saying yet also seeming intentional and rehearsed As Richard leaned back, Milo questioned his motives. Even this conduct appeared to be entirely normal on the surface. Someone like Milo, who knew Richard and people well enough, could see straight through it. It was an attempt to give the impression to those around him that he wasn't paying full attention to the situation. In reality, he was the one in charge of the show.

Despite knowing it wouldn't work, Milo persisted. They were engaged in an unusual staring contest as if assessing one another. Milo was not about to take anything for granted when it came to his understanding of Richard. Given the passage of 150 years, he couldn't claim to know this individual on the same level. "What has brought you here tonight, Richard?"

"How well do you know Ma'at?" Richard asked. "You were abducted simultaneously. You claim to have only been completely cognizant for a few months. I know you said you were alone when you woke. But anything, any little thing may help in finding her."

Milo thought as Richard went on. The last thing he remembered was protecting Grendel when he nearly died. That had honestly been the thing he remembered before waking in that cold morgue. Up until recently, he hadn't even thought of Ma'at. But Richard was right. The knowledge of this woman no matter how inconsequential it felt may help in placing together what was going on now. "She had been awake long before I."

Richard was at a lost for words for a time. He asked, quickly gathering his thoughts. "How did you find out?" Investigating him is similar to interrogating someone. "I thought you stated you didn't realise she was awake."

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