"I cannot help it." Freidrich admitted, "I believe I may only have been so kind after spending so much time with the most gracious young lady in all of London." Lucille flushed a bright pink at his words.

"Offer her your gift." The queen urged, obviously excited about this match.

Holding back a short laugh the prince nodded, "I have brought you a gift." As he spoke a servant from behind him opened a wooden box, lined with gold.

Lucille and Marianne were too far to see what lay inside of it, until the prince walked over and gently lifted it from the box. Lucille held back a gasp. It was a beautiful necklace. Encrusted diamonds laid into the finest silver, a true gift for a princess.

Prince Freidrich walked behind Lucille and placed the gift around her neck, as to clasp it himself. Lucille couldn't contain her smile and felt his fingertips brush her skin.

Marianne smiled at the display, anyone could see the care the two held for each other. Even when it came to the simple act of putting on a necklace.

Once the clasp was sealed, Lucille slowly turned to Freidrich and smiled up at him, her fingers gently touching the piece of jewellery, "Thank you, Your Highness."

"I hope it is to your liking." The prince spoke hopefully, perhaps a little nervous as to her reply.

Lucille gently shook her head with a smile that could melt ice, "It's perfect."

As their eyes held one another the queen leant over to her servant, "She will make a lovely princess, will she not?" She asked.

The servant nodded, "Of course, Your Majesty."

Marianne smiled happily. Her sister would make the most wonderful princess of all.

In a town filled with ambitious mamas and fortune-hunting gentlemen, marrying above one's station is an art form, indeed. But Miss Lucille Dawson's advance from future Baroness to possible Princess is an achievement that even this jaded author must applaud.

Since Marianne and Lucille's trip to Buckingham Palace, the blonde debutante had never ceased talking about her dreamy white knight. She wore the necklace the prince had gifted her wherever she went. It was rather endearing, especially when she would reach up to brush her fingers over the stunning jewels with a smile.

Marianne had never been prouder. And not because her sister had snatched up the most eligible gentleman in the ton, but because she had managed to find love. Something many can go a lifetime without ever coming close to that same feeling.

The second eldest Dawson sibling sat reading Whistledown's latest edition, an entire section dedicated solely to Lucille and the Prince. Marianne grinned as she read contently, before her calming morning was interrupted by a loud and playful roar.

"Mother!" Thomas came barrelling into the drawing room, a wooden sword swinging from his arms, "Look! I'm a proper swordsman now!"

Marianne laughed as her son tried to expertly swing around the weapon, the weight of it tugging his arms to the ground.

"Perhaps you should try something a little lighter to wield." Marianne gently suggested as she swiftly walked to her son, holding up the sword.

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