Chapter 10: Home Cooked Meals

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Later I realized, I was interested in things.

- Matsumoto Yua

It was already Friday but Naoki still didn't go to school. After club activities, Yua walked to the house of Naoki. She was surprised when Aki was following her. Aki explained that he was just curious where is Yua living. Finally, they reached the house of Naoki, she knocks the door and he was surprised when a messy hair and a pale skin opened the door, it was Naoki. Aki saw the face of Yua worried to Naoki, so he decided to buy a medicine for a fever. Yua help Naoki to lie down in the bed and put a wet towel in his head to lower his body tempereture. Naoki was thankful that Yua came, she asked where are his grandparents, he answered that many days they never came back home since a lot of people visited their Onsen.

Suddenly, Yua asked Naoki why his umbrella in the library. Naoki tell the truth that he heard about the confession but he decided to leave the place and did not know he left his umbrella, he did not tell Yua about following them. Yua told Naoki that she never told Takumi and Mieko about it. Naoki was surprised and asked if he is the first one who knew about their relationship, but Yua answered that Aiko already know. Naoki has a dry cough and difficulty of breathing. Yua asked him why he did not tell his grandparent, he answered that he don't want to let them worried about him. Yua was pissed and yelled at him from madness to take care of his health always, and she asked what is the reason he got sick. Naoki did not answer since he was scared Yua might yell at him again. He thought that maybe Yua was mad at him because she was worried, but he got it right. She told Naoki that she was worried that he did not go to school again and Sara was also worried, Naoki smiled that Yua cared about him.

A minute has passed and Aki arrived at Naoki house with a medicine he bought from the pharmacy. Naoki was grateful and thankful that Aki bought him medicine, he tells Yua to get the money inside his wallet but Aki insisted not to pay the medicine since he was Yua friend. Naoki told him that Yua was really special to him, Aki agreed and told him that they are already dating suddenly. Naoki think that it was like a warning from Aki. Yua was surprised and hit Aki at his leg, then Naoki chuckled.

It was seven in the night already and Yua called Naoki grandparents to have him a check up to the doctor since his fever was serious, his grandparents approved and rush to go home. Naoki thank them again and the two decided to go home. Yua arrived at her house and Sakura opened the door. Sakura was surprised when she saw Aki, Yua was surprised that Sakura know him. Aki left Yua house and also decided to go home.

While having a dinner, Yua asked how did Sakura know Aki, she answered that he was a bit popular in the third years for his looks. Yua added that most students this days really adored good looking guys than kind guys. Sakura chuckled and ask her big sister if they are dating. Yua answered that it's not that she called dating but rather almost a boyfriend since she was still observing him if he will be a great match and that can handle her. Sakura answered that it looks like she was torturing him and she saw Yua confused face. She explained that it would hurt Aki if the one month of observing him will still not let him date Yua. Yua answered that she doesn't care but she thought that maybe Sakura is right. Yua goes to her desk at room and studied but all she do was thinking what to say when people started to ask what is her relationship to Aki. She also thought that she can answer Aki since he was also her type and she doesn't have also a chance to date Naoki. Yau felt weird that she always thought about Aki and was not concentrating in studying and decided to go to sleep.

After yesterday, today was Aiko happy day since Yua will go to her apartment to learn how to cook. Aiko was happy that Yua finally became interested in cooking. Yua arrived at her apartment and Aiko felt joy since she knows how to choose great quality of groceries. They started cooking and Aiko was surprised that Yua was a fast learner. They cooked curry and onigiri since Yua was still a beginner. They shaped the onigiri well and it made the two happy. After cooking, they taste the home cooked meals and it turned out great. Yua was grateful that they have fun and it she can already help her little sister prepare for dinner. She also thought that she can cook meals and let Takumi, Mieko, and Naoki taste it.

Yua came home with a smile in her face and she was surprised when her parent was waiting at her. Yumeko her mother, told her that they decided to move to a new house to live. Yua felt hesitant because they live in the house since they were little. But Saijo insisted that the house they will move in is bigger and more comfortable for them. Sakura was excited but Yua felt opposite. She thought that she would never live near Naoki house. Yumeko comforted Yua since she saw that Yua was having a sad face.

After having a forum if they will move in to a new house, Yua finally approved and it make everyone happy. She headed to her room and his father follow her. Yua asked if she can bring all the books in her shelf, Saijo answered yes since the room she will have in the new house will be bigger. He forwarded a picture of the new house to Yua and she was surprised that her parents were right, the house was bigger, but she felt confused why her parents suddenly decided to move in. Saijo answered that they received higher salary in their company and they thought they might move in to a bigger house. He also added that maybe during their summer vacation at school they will pack and move in to the new house.

Yua felt hesitant again since Takumi and Mieko will be having a plan in summer vacation to hang out. She told her father that she has planned during summer vacation but his father told him to move it to another day and he left the room. Yua thought that it was such an unfair day since she was happy that she can finally cooked few meals but suddenly the move in plan ruined it. She was pissed and kick her chair but the wooden floor was cracked. She put a tape and a mat so that her parent would not recognize it, she finally understands their house was already old. She just decided to sit and study since next week would be their first semester exam.  

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Dec 22, 2022 ⏰

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