
Shay questions Gabby's thing with Mills, "So why are you guys keeping it on the sly?"

"It started out being what I wanted but then Boden called him on the carpet, gave him some big BS about this being the time to master your craft. Mills really took it to heart."

"I don't know, if I dug someone as much as you dig him, I wouldn't be able to hide it. Especially working together, 24 hours a day, side by side," Shay says.

Nicole snorts, "Trust me, it's not easy. Matt and I tried that at first but then Kelly caught us making out on my couch so hiding it went out the door."

Gabby asks them, "Are you trying to make me feel worse?"

"For someone who's such a mad person on calls and on the job.."

"You are sure timid in your personal and love life," Shay finishes for Nicole, "I mean, take some risks. Have some fun."

She thinks about it for a second before nodding, "You know what? Thank you. Excellent point, which you both have made. Before. Granted, I am at a place in my life where I could really embrace the message. I'm texting him right now."

Shay turns her head slightly to face Nicole, "What about you? Should we expect an engagement announcement soon?"

Nicole shrugs, "I hope so. But you know, his mom lives with us now and Matt's going crazy making sure she follows all the rules and doesn't get in trouble and all that. I'm just trying to seem normal because, you know, the first time we kinda met was at her parol hearing."

"That's the first time you met his mom? Has he met your parents yet?" Gabby asks.

"Well, my mom lives in Minnesota and doesn't ever entertain the idea of coming to Chicago as long as Benny lives here. I don't give a rat's ass about Benny's thoughts or opinions on my life. So the only family that leaves is Kelly and I swear to God, sometimes I think if Matt and I ever broke up, Kelly would chose him."

Shay shakes her head, laughing, "Nah. Kelly tells me all the time how you're the best little sister he could have ever gotten. How Matt better treat you right or he's gonna kick his ass."

Gabby laughs, texting Mills, "When's Clarice due?"

"Uh, two weeks," She shakes her head, "I'm getting butterflies."

Nicole shrugs, "Oh, plenty of time. Yeah."

Getting to the call, they are met by a man who guides them upstairs, "I heard screaming, but we never have trouble down here. None."

Shay sighs, "I hate hotels."

Knocking on the door, Nicole calls out, "Paramedics!"

She opens the door to see a man tied to the bed, "Don't tell my wife."

They spot a hooker on the ground and immediately move towards her. Shay examines her veins, "She took a hot shot."

"Okay, honey? Can you hear me?"

Getting no response, Gabby starts prepping a narcan shot as Shay studies her, "Angolan respiration. She's barely breathing."

Nicole ties her arm to see her veins better as Shay looks at the man, "You get your rocks off by watching girls shoot up?"

"I never forced them to do anything. That was completely their thing."

"Their?" Shay asks, looking around before getting up to look around in the bathroom, "There's another girl in here. 61 to main, we're gonna need another ambulance and CPD for a DOA."

Burnin' Love (1)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz