TWO. never have i ever... been someone's valentine

Start from the beginning

"Valentine's Day sucks! I just don't get how I, a person who's dating the hottest boy in school, is most compatible with Eric." Devi scoffed.

"Are you mad that you got Eric or that Haley got Paxton?" Kalani asked.

Haley was Paxton's old best friend who he had sex with and ditched afterwards. Devi made him apologize and now Haley and Paxton seemed to be joint to the hip again.

"I'm happy that they're friends again." Devi sighed, "I just wish they weren't such good friends."

"You don't have to worry about Haley. Paxton is super into you." Eleanor reassured.

"I know, but he and Haley have known each other forever, and they have sex. And now I'm picturing them having sex and... Oh my God, I realized why the computer said they were a perfect match."

"Don't read into that much. It's just a dumb quiz made by dumb teenagers in a dumb school."

Soon, Aneesa joined the girls at the table with a smile.

"Hi, Annesa." Fabiola sputtered.

Kalani furrowed her brows at the odd interaction and before she could question it Jonah approached the table.

"Um, did you just call this quiz dumb?" He asked, "It was actually developed by Nobel prize-wining scientists at MIT. It's accuracy is undisputed. So, educate yourselves."

In all off the mess, Fabiola had gotten Gears Brosnan, Eleanor had gotten Trent and to no surprise, Anessa had gotten Ben.

"Hey who'd you get, Lani?" Devi asked.

"Oh..." She chuckled, "Jacob. You know, surprise surprise."

Ben soon approached the girls, wrapping his arm around Anessa, "I got you, babe."

Kalani grabbed Fabiola's arm and said the two had a last minute project to finalize.

"We had a last minute project!? And you're just now telling me?" Fabiola questioned.

"Listen! Okay, I lied."

"Why would you lie about the project?"

"Because I didn't get Jacob. I got Ben for my stupid compatibility shit! And you're acting weird and I know it's not because of Eve."

Fabiola sighed, "Anessa kissed me in the bathroom after her game."

Kalani held wide eyes.

This was some deep shit. Deeper than what either girl could've expected.

Neither girl could process what either of them had said because the bell had rang and the two of them would be late to Mr. Shapiro's class.

"GOOD MORNING, Students." Mr. Shapiro called, "Who knows what this is?" He asked holding a bra in the air.

"That's a 34c, front clasp, demi-cup." Trent smiled.

"No, Trent. This is oppression. We are starting our unit on the women's rights movement, and it will take us all the way till the end of the year."

"We're studying the women's rights movement for the next four months?" Ben asked, "What about Watergate? What about Iran-Contra? What about 9/11?"

"Uh, would you like to tell the women in this classroom that those events mean more to you than their rights?"

"We need to know other things for the AP test."

"Reclaiming my time." Mr. Shapiro said, "The first assignment. I need all of you to break up into groups and rewrite the Bill of Rights as if it were written, not by Founding Fathers but instead by Founding Mothers."

Class was dismissed soon after because Mr. Shapiro has caught the bra on fire.

SCHOOL CAME around and things seemed to take a turn for the worse... if that was feasibly possible.

Everyone had broken up... expected for Trent and Eleanor.

And with peeping eyes, Jacob saw Ben's actual compatibility test card and Kalani's name had be written on it.

"And Aneesa broke up with Ben and Ben actually had your name on his card and-"

"What?" Kalani questioned.

"Yeah, your name was on Ben's card. Not Anessa's."

Oh God, this was bad. Like really really bad.

Everyone has broken up and everyone had lied.

This was a pretty shitty Valentine's Day.

This was a pretty shitty Valentine's Day

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- lucy has something to say !!

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- lucy has something to say !!

i'm tired sigh

i'm tired sigh

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bye :))))

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