Chapter 7

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It isn't until Friday morning that Becca runs into repercussions for her little ruse on Tuesday night. She is just coming out of the gym after a training session with Bron when she gets a call from Shawn. 

"Dad? Hey, what's going on?" Becca answers her phone as she and Bron head out of the gym. 

"Becca, are you busy, sweetheart?" Shawn gets straight to the point. 

Becca furrows her brows, recognizing the serious tone in her dad's voice. "I just finished up in the gym with Bron. Why? What's up?" She explains. 

"Could you swing by the office before you head home? We need to have a chat." Shawn replies. 

"Yeah...sure dad." Becca nods her head and glances at Bron. "I'll be there in like twenty minutes." She informs him. 

Shawn says a quick thanks to Becca then hangs up. Becca pockets her phone and turns to Bron awaiting an explanation. "What was that all about?" Bron asks her. 

"My dad," Becca explains. "He asked if I could swing by the office to discuss something. And he didn't sound pleased." She adds with a frown. 

Bron scratches the back of his neck. He's got a sneaking suspicion about what Shawn wants to talk to Becca about. But he doesn't want to snitch himself out if he doesn't have to. "Hmm, weird." He fakes a frown. "You want a ride down to the office? I don't have anything going on today." 

"Yeah, thanks, Bron." Becca agrees to the ride. "I can't imagine what he wants." She shrugs. "But It's always something with him, right?" 

Bron drops Becca off at the main office for WWE headquarters. She heads inside and down to where her dad's office is while Bron hangs out in his car in case Becca needs a ride back to her apartment. 

Becca finds the office with the Michaels name hanging from a plaque on the door and knocks twice before she enters. "Dad? It's Becca." She announces herself as she comes through the door. 

"Hey, sweetheart." Shawn greets Becca from behind his desk. "Thanks for coming down on such short notice. Go ahead and sit down for me." He gestures to a chair sitting at the other side of the desk. 

"Alright." Becca nods and sits down. "So, what's going on? What was so urgent that you needed me to come in on a perfectly good Friday?" She jokes with a small laugh. 

Shawn folds his hands in front of him, a no-nonsense look on his face. "I know what you pulled on Tuesday, Rebecca." Shawn looks sternly at her. "And I don't appreciate that you not only went behind my back and change the show while we were on air. But you also roped someone as egotistical and idiotic as Grayson Waller, to help you." 

"Oh," Becca replies quietly. "Honestly, I thought that it would have taken longer for you to find that out." She rubs the back of her neck. "How'd you figure out that Waller helped me?" She asks Shawn. 

"That's all you have to say on the subject?" Shawn scoffs. "How I knew that Waller was involved?" He glares at Becca. "Do you feel no shame for what you did? At all?"

"Not really, no." Becca shrugs. "Come on, dad. Don't act like you wouldn't have pulled the exact same thing back in the day if you were in my situation." She scoffs back at Shawn. "And, not to mention that I wouldn't have even had to do anything if you would have just let me wrestle my tag match with Indi in the first place!" She reminds him. 

Shawn grits his teeth and adjusts in his chair. The last thing he needs is someone in the office hearing him chewing out his poster-child daughter. He takes a second to compose himself before he speaks again. 

"Rebecca, please." He looks at her with a softer expression. "I am trying my best to look out for you here. And I know that you're still new to the business and that you want to get out there and have fun as much as you can. But having fun doesn't make champions." He reminds Becca. "It was a good thing that Bron let me know you've been talking to Waller. Because it's for the best that you stop messing around with him and start focusing on becoming a champion." 

"What?" Becca tenses up when she hears Bron's name. "I'm sorry, Bron did what?" She gets to her feet. 

Shawn mentally kicks himself for mentioning Bron, but he takes another deep breath. "Go easy on him, Rebecca. He was just trying to help." He reminds her. 

"Whatever." Becca scoffs and heads for the door. "Are we done here? Or do you have something else that you think you need to 'help' me with?" She asks Shawn with a cold look. 

"No, you can go." Shawn sighs and nods for Becca to leave. 

Becca storms out of the building and out to Bron's truck where he's waiting for her. Bron smiles at Becca when she opens the passenger side door, but is met with an angry shout instead. "You snitched on me to my dad?!" She shouts at Bron. "What the hell, Bronson?"

"Becca I was...sorry." Bron stutters a bit. "Come on, get in. I can explain on the way back to your place." He insists and nods to the empty passenger seat next to him. 

"Umm, I think the fuck not." Becca scoffs. "God, I am so pissed at you right now, Bronson." She grits her teeth. "I'll get an Uber home. See you on Tuesday." She slams the door of Bron's truck and storms back off towards the building. 

Bron watches Becca walk all the way back to the entrance of the building and dial a number on her phone. A part of him feels like he should go over to her and apologize again. But knowing Becca, that brilliant move will only get him yelled at again. He lingers around the parking lot until a car comes and picks Becca up before he heads home. 

When Becca gets home she slams her bedroom door behind her and sinks into her bed. Anger flows through her veins as she stares at her ceiling. 'A perfectly good Friday, ruined.' She thinks to herself. But then, an idea pops into Becca's head. She pulls her phone out of her back pocket and dials a number. 

"Well well well." A familiar Aussie accent breaks through the phone after a few rings. "Is this the lovely Rebecca Michaels calling me on this lovely Friday afternoon?" Grayson asks with a hearty chuckle. 

"It's a Friday night, Waller. You want to go out and have some fun?" Becca gets right to the point, still in a sour mood from earlier. 

Grayson chuckles again. "Well, I'd be a downright fool to turn that down." He laughs. "Put on something nice, I'll pick you up at nine, yeah?" He asks her. 

"Sounds good." Becca agrees. "Don't be late." She warns Waller before she hangs up.

"Wouldn't dream of it, sweetheart." Grayson replies and Becca hangs up the phone. 

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