Chapter 1

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The NXT crowd is especially loud tonight for the weekly Live show. Just kicking off on the air Wade and Vic watch NXT's fastest-rising star as she comes out to the ring. Becca Michaels.

"I have to say, Vic. Becca Michael's has been absolutely on fire since her debut here just a few short months ago." Wade watches Becca come down the ramp and head for the ring.

"Yes, she certainly has, Wade." Vic agrees with a nod. "Since her debut four months ago Becca has only lost two of her nearly 20 matches." He adds.

Both men watch Becca climb into the ring and hit a quick pose while the crowd cheers for her. She wears an ecstatic smile on her face as she walks over to her corner and leans on the ropes while she waits for her opponent to come out to the ring.

Wade and Vic turn their attention back to the ring as Zoey Stark makes her way out to the ring. "Could tonight perhaps be the night that Miss Michaels takes her second loss against a veteran in the ring in Zoey Stark?" Wade asks Vic.

"That could very much happen," Vic replies. "But Becca has shown a tremendous in-ring ability and knowledge despite her lack of formal experience in the ring." He reminds Wade.

In the ring, Becca remains in her corner while Zoey climbs into the ring with a stern look on her face. Becca hasn't faced Stark before, but she's seen Zoey in the ring a few times against different opponents. She stands up straight with a confident smile on her face as the referee calls for the bell.

The match begins and Zoey comes at Becca with an aggressive collar and elbow tie-up. The girls lock arms and push at one another for a bit before Becca goes in for a leg sweep and bullies Zoey down to her knees.

The pair go at it in the ring for a bit before Becca ends things with a superkick and pins Zoey for the three-count. The bell rings and Becca springs up with a wild grin. The referee raises Becca's hand in victory before she slips out of the ring and skips her way backstage.

"Becca! Wonderful work out there, sweetie!" Shawn is there to greet Becca when she comes through the curtain. "Keep up the good work and we'll have to let you get at Mandy's title soon." He assures her with an eager smile.

"Thanks, dad." Becca smiles as Shawn fawns over her like he usually does.

Shawn hovers by Becca's side and starts going over his plans to get Becca into title contention. Becca listens absentmindedly until she spots her long-time best friend come into the room. "Becca! Hey, nice job against Starks out there." Bron steps into the room and walks over to Becca and her dad. "I saw that nice snap suplex you tried on her. It looked great."

"Thanks, Bron." Becca smiles. "I can't take all of the credit though. You did help me learn how to haul all of that weight over my head without hurting myself." She reminds him with a friendly grin.

"Aw, it was nothing." Bron shrugs. "Hey, what are you doing after the show?" He asks her curiously.

Becca shrugs, having planned on just heading back to her apartment after the show. "Nothing, really. Why? What's up?" She asks Bron.

"I was gonna grab dinner after the show if you want to join me," Bron suggests casually.

"Yeah?" Becca replies. "Maybe I will." She shrugs. "I'm gonna head back to the locker rooms and change. But I'll catch up and let you know later, yeah?"

Bron nods, fixing the NXT title hanging from his shoulder. "Yeah, sure. See you later, Becs." He nods at Becca again as she walks off.

Becca steps away from the main backstage area and lets out a small sigh, clearly relieved to be away from everyone for a moment. Her back aches a bit from being in the ring. Not to mention she was at the gym lifting with Bron earlier in the day. A small yawn escapes Becca's lips as she heads back to the locker room.

"Well well well, aren't you a sight for sore eyes, sweetheart?" A chipper and enticing voice sounds from behind Becca as she's walking through the hall and she comes to a stop.

Becca turns around sharply on her heel with a small smile breaking on her face and finds Grayson Waller grinning at her with a smug look on his face. "Grayson." She greets Waller casually with a hand on her hip. "What are you doing all the way back here?" She asks him with a raised brow.

"Well, the view back here does tend to be phenomenal." Grayson shrugs with that cocky grin of his plastered on his face. "And I do mean phenomenal." He eyes Becca up shamelessly. "I mean honestly, Becca, sweetheart, I can't believe that your dad just lets you parade around in that."

Becca rolls her eyes in an attempt to hide the laugh bubbling to the surface. "I'm a big girl, Waller. I can wear whatever I want." She reminds him.

"Absolutely, you can." Waller agrees. "Need any company in that lonely locker room of yours by any chance?" He asks her. "Or maybe some help getting out of that gear?" He adds with a chuckle. "I mean, it looks super tight. I can't imagine that it's easy wrigging in and out of that thing."

Becca breaks and a small giggle escapes her. Grayson continues grinning at her like an idiot and the chemistry in the air is plain as day. Before Becca can come up with some witty quip to Grayson's offer, a shadow is cast from behind her and a heavy hand gets set on her shoulder.

"Get lost, now." Bron glares at Waller from behind Becca which causes her to turn around.

Becca turns around with just a hint of disappointment as Waller scurries off to avoid whatever beating that Bron seems to be alluding to if he doesn't. "Bron, what are you doing back here so soon?" She asks him.

"Saving your ass from being hit on by that loser, obviously," Bron replies as he watches Grayson disappear from view.

"Oh, please," Becca replies. "Grayson is harmless. He just likes to run his mouth all the time." She insists with a wave of her hand.

Bron's face twitches as he glances down at Becca. "Regardless, you shouldn't let that tool talk to you like that." He reminds you.

"Why?" You scoff. "That's just how he flirts. Why would he change up his game for me?"

"Um, your dad for starters," Bron replies like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

Becca sighs and shakes her head. "I'm not any more special than any of the rest of the women around here, Bron." She insists. "Anyway, thanks I guess. I'm actually heading for the locker room now. Beccause I really need a shower." She quips with a small joking giggle.

"I'll walk you down there." Bron nods.

Becca sighs but lets Bron walk her down to her locker room. She slips inside and Bron heads off to whatever he was doing before he interrupted Becca and Grayson's little chat. Becca takes a quick shower before she gathers her stuff up and heads out to the parking lot where her car is waiting to take her back to her apartment.

"And would you look at that? She somehow manages to be even prettier out of the gear." Grayson runs into Becca in the parking lot. "Becca, sweetheart. How do you manage that?"

Becca laughs and shakes her head at Grayson's antics and pushes his shoulder to get past him. "Get lost, Waller. You've already been told once, remember" She warns him playfully.

"Aw, but we were having fun." Waller frowns. "Come on. I know for a fact that you were having fun chatting with me." He eggs Becca on.

"Maybe I was." Becca shrugs with a grin. "But I'm still going home for the night. Alone." She giggles and walks over to her car with Grayson trailing behind her.

Grayson stops short of Becca's car and admits defeat for the night. "Fine, have it your way." He grins at Becca. "I'll catch you next week then, Becca. Just don't forget to remind yourself how cute and charismatic I am!" He calls after her as she climbs into her car and shuts the door on him.

Becca laughs inside her car and rolls her eyes when Grayson waves at her when she drives past him. "Freaking dork." She mumbles to herself as she heads home.

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