Chapter 6

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Tuesday afternoon Becca goes through her usual pre-show routine of packing her lavender gym bag with all of her essentials for an NXT show. She stands in front of her closet and rifles through her ring gear. 

"Hmm, which one should I wear tonight?" She asks herself aloud as she looks through the various colors. "Green, Maybe?" Becca picks out the green gear set from the rack and looks it over. "No, maybe the silver one?" She puts it back and grabs another one. 

After about half an hour of deliberation, Becca lands on her gold gear and carefully tucks it away in her bag. She checks to ensure she's got all her stuff and heads down to the arena for the show. 

Becca gets past security at the arena and heads down to the locker rooms. She is uninterrupted on her journey for once and slips into her locker room without any distractions. Becca quickly throws on her gear so that she's got time to do her hair, which she elected to skip at home. But she's got plenty of tools in her bag to make sure that her hair looks cute for the show. 

"Knock knock." A cheerful voice breaks Becca's concentration from the other side of the door. 

"Come in!" Becca shouts, too busy with her hair to get the door. 

Indi pulls the door open with a cheerful smile and walks over to Becca. "Wow, I love that color on you, Becca!" She compliments her friend and impromptu tag partner. "What are you doing with your hair?" She sits down next to Becca with a curious grin. 

"Trying to get a little curl in it," Becca replies. "Which I am terrible at, by the way." She jokes. "But, a girl has to try, right?" 

"Here, let me give it a try, yeah?" Indi gets back to her feet and takes the curling iron from Becca's hand. "I love doing people's hair for them. And I am quite good at it, I'll have you know." She informs Becca with a giggle. 

Becca laughs and adjusts in her seat as Indi steps behind her. "Whatever you say, boss." She giggles. "How are you feeling about our tag match later, by the way? And hey, sorry again that I had to bail on you last week." 

"It's no trouble, really." Indi insists. "You're here now, right? That's all that matters to me, Becca. Now! Turn your head to the left a bit for me." She directs Becca with her free hand.

Becca exhales a small sigh of relief that Indi doesn't seem to be holding a grudge against Becca. If not for Indi, Becca would have very few female friends in NXT. So she's grateful that Indi understands her unique situation. 

While Indi is busy with Becca's hair, someone else knocks on the door. "Wow, I am popular today," Becca comments when she hears the knock. "Come in!" She shouts over Indi quietly humming in her ear while she works. 

"Hey, Becca, Shawn was looking for- Oh, hey Indi." Bron comes through the door a couple of seconds later but stops when he sees Indi. 

"Hey, Bron." Indi nods to him absentmindedly. 

"What about my dad, Bron?" Becca replies, looking at him through the mirror in front of her. 

Bron cautiously walks around Indi and stops at Becca's side. "Your dad is looking for you." He informs her. "What is Indi doing her here? No offense, Hartwell." 

"She's helping me with my hair before our tag match," Becca explains. "Why does my dad need me down in the office? He knows where my locker room is."

"No clue." Bron shrugs. "And since when do you have a tag match tonight?" He asks Becca. 

Becca swats Indi away from her head gently and turns to Bron. "Umm, since last week." She furrows her brows at Bron. "Remember? My dad made me wrestle that match against Nikita Lyons instead of tagging with Indi against Jayce and Gigi." She reminds him. 

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