Chapter 2

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The week flies by for Becca and her seemingly unending schedule. Monday morning rolls around and Becca has a training session scheduled with Bron first thing in the morning. Becca wakes to the sound of her alarming droning in her ear from the bedside table. 

"Ugh." Becca lets out an annoyed yawn and rolls over to switch off her alarm.The alarm gets silenced and Becca falls back into bed with a heavy sigh. "God, I hate mornings." She complains to herself as she stares up at her ceiling. 

Becca takes a moment to let herself wake up in the comfortable silence of her apartment, But her sweet silence is short lived when her phone starts ringing again. Becca groans and rolls back over to grab her phone from the nightstand. Bron's name stares at her from the screen so she answers it. 

"Becca! Hey, are you up and ready to go yet?" Bron sounds once the call goes through. He sounds fully awake and eager as always. 

Becca yawns and pulls her phone away from her ear. "I just gott up." She explains in a tired tone. "Why? What's got you all jacked up, Steiner?" She asks him. 

"Nothing." Bron replies, chuckling at Becca's nickname. "I just got back from a quick mile jog." He explains. "Gonna grab coffee and then head your way." He warns her.

"Alright." Becca yawns once more. "I'm gonna grab a shower in the meantime." She informs him. "Just let yourself in when you get here. And feed my fish for me when you come in." 

Bron confirms the plan with a quick, "Sure." and another chuckle before Becca hangs up and tosses her phone to the side. She pulls herself out of bed and trudges towards the bathroom for that aforementioned shower. 

About half an hour later Becca is toweling off her hair in front of the bathroom mirror when she hears her front door creak open and then closed again. She finishes toweling out her hair and cracks the door open. 

"Morning, bring me coffee!" Becca shouts out into the apartment. 

Heavy footsteps after Becca shouts is all Becca needs to confirm that Bron heard her. He pokes his head in her bedroom door a couple of seconds later with a steaming cup of coffee in his hand. "Here, just the way you like it, Beccs." Bron hands over the cup while keeping his gaze away from the bathroom door. 

"Thank you." Becca snatches the cup while she brushes out her hair with her free hand. "You can come in, Bron. I've got clothes on." She giggles at Bron's chivalry. 

"Right." Bron nods and steps fully into the bedroom. "I was just being polite." He reminds her. 

Becca laughs and takes a sip of her coffee. "You always are, prince charming." She teases him. "What do you have planned for today, anyways?"

Bron rolls his eyes at Becca's comment, a playful smile on his face. "Legs mostly today." He informs Becca. "I figured that we'd add some weight this week and see how far you've improved since I took over your gym regimine." 

"Right, leg day." Becca flashes a hint of a frown. "You know that I am perfectly capable of making up my own gym schedule, right?" She asks Bron. "I swear, between you and my dad." 

"Just trying to help, Beccs." Bron replies. "And hey, I know for a fact that I am not nearly as bad as your dad." He adds with a laugh. 

"That's true." Becca giggles. "I'm gonna grab my gym bag then we can head out. Did you feed my fish like I asked?" She sighs and steps out of the bathroom with her coffee in hand. 

Bron shakes his head and steps over to the door. "I'm going." He grumbles something about Becca's fish before he walks off. 

Becca tosses a couple of things into her purple gym bag before she collects Bron and they both head to the gym. Becca changes in the women's locker room at the gym, her usual gray athletic top and shorts, then heads out to the floor. She glances around for Bron once she's out but doesn't see him yet, so she walks over to the water station to fill up her bottle. 

"That you, Becca?" A familiar accent greets Becca from behind while she's filling up her bottle. "Yeah, I'd recognize that gorgeous body anywhere. What are you doing here so early, sweetheart? Talk about no days off." 

Becca turns around and finds Grayson flashing her that smug smile of his. "Grayson. What a surprise. I didn't know that you did any work besides what's required of you." She quips with a raised brow. 

"Damn." Grayson chuckles and places a hand over his heart. "You're awfully cheerful today, doll. Not a morning person, are you?" He asks Becca with a grin. 

"No, not really." Becca admits, a small smile playing on her lips. "I'd start everyday at 10 or later if it were up to me." 

Grayson nods, seemingly agreeing with Becca. "Right, then what are you doing here so early on your day off. And looking so pretty, too." He asks her. 

Becca shrugs and spots Bron coming out of the men's locker rooms over Grayson's shoulder. "What can I say? It takes work to be as good as I am." She grins. "But I'd get lost if I were you, playboy." She nods discreetly past Grayson. 

Grayson hums in confusion and glances behind him. He spots Bron, thankfully before Bron spots him, and turns back around.

"Right." Grayson nods at Becca. "Your big bad guard dog. Good looking out, Becca. I'll catch you tomorrow, gorgeous." He winks at Becca and takes off before he's caught. 

Becca laughs and watches Waller sprint off just as Bron spots her and comes over to her side. "What's so funny?" He asks Becca when he catches her laughing. 

"Hmm?" Becca replies and turns to Bron. "Oh, nothing." She shrugs. "Come on, let's hurry up and get this done so I can get some breakfast." She jokes and nudges Bron's shoulder to urge him into action. 

"Yeah, alright." Bron nods, a little suspicious of Becca. "I'll buy breakfast after we're done. Gotta make sure that you're bulking up." He jokes. 

"Yep." Becca laughs dryly. "Can't wait."

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