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Glenn and Rick, with bits of corpse body hanging from their necks, slowly walk into the alley. Rick is still holding the fire axe and Glenn carries the crowbar. They shuffle down toward the street mimicking the way a walker walks. The few walkers in the alley don't smell their living flesh. The rest of the group runs up the stairs to the rooftop Rick and Glenn come to the street. They crawl under the metro bus slowly. Out on the street none of the walkers notice anything unusual. The group is now up on the rooftop "Hey, what's happening, man?" Merle asked "Hey, T-Dog, try that C.B" Morales said "Hey, come on. Talk to me y'all" Merle said "Base Camp, this is T-Dog. Anybody hear me?" T-Dog said Morales follows Rick and Glenn's progress through the binoculars "Can anybody out there hear me?" T-Dog said "There" Morales said pointing to them you could hear thunder in the distance "That asshole is out on the street with the handcuff keys?" Merle asked T-Dog shows Merle that he has it

At the camp on the hilltop Dale and Jim are working on the RV "Boy, that hose isn't long for this world, is it?" Dale said "No sir" Jim said "Where the hell are we gonna find a replacement?" Dale asked Amy was pacing back and forth "It's late. They should've been back by now" Amy said "Worrying won't make it better" Masie said walking over to Carl and Shane "Attaboy" Shane said Masie sat next to Carl "Hey Mas" Carl said "Hey" Masie replied "Masie" Shane nodded "Shane" Masie said trying to ignore him "And three, two, one—Pull it" Shane said "Ah! Aw" Carl said the three of them laugh "Start it over. Make your "P" the other way around your finger" Shane said "Oops" Carl said "Good, just tie it around your finger. Attaboy" Shane said, they hear the radio squeak, they hear T-Dog talk between bursts of static "Hello, base camp! Can anybody out there hear me?" T-Dog said Shane gets up and goes over to the location up on the RV. Masie and Carl hurry over too "Base camp, this is T-Dog. Anybody hear me?" T-Dog said "Hello? Hello? Reception bad on this end" Dle said they've moved the C.B. up onto the roof of the R.V "Repeat. Repeat" Dale said "Shane, is that you?" T-Dog said "Is that them?" Masie asked "We're in deep shit. We're trapped in the department store" T-Dog said "He says they're trapped?" Carl asked "There are geeks all over the place. Hundreds of 'em. We're surrounded" T-Dog said "T-Dog, repeat that last. Repeat" Shane said there was just static then the radio just stopped "He said the department store" Masie said "I heard it too" Dale said "Shane?" Lori asked "No way. We do not go after them. We do not risk the rest of the group. Y'all know that" Shane said "So we're just gonna leave her there?" Amy said "Look, Amy, I know that this is not easy-" Shane said "She volunteered to go to help the rest of us" Amy said "I know, and she knew the risks, right? See, if she's trapped, she's gone. So we just have to deal with that. There's nothing we can do" Shane said "She's my sister, you son of a bitch" Amy runs off. Lori looks at Shane. She nods a slight agreement but it doesn't look easy for her. He doesn't say anything. She goes off after Amy "Amy..." Lori said "Come on. It's all right, guys" Shane said to Masie and Carl

Rick and Glenn continue down the street toward the construction site at an agonizingly slow pace. Covered in walker guts, they pass by the walkers unnoticed "It's gonna work. I can't believe it" Glenn whispers "Don't draw attention" Rick whispers as a walker looks at Glenn so Glenn growls. Up on the roof Morales looks for Rick and Glenn through the binoculars then it starts to rain "Oh Man" Morales said he picks up the binoculars and checks on them again. Glenn and Rick slowly shuffle along. They are still half a block away from the construction site's security fence. On the roof Andrea watches them through the rain, crying "It's just a cloudburst. We get 'em all the time. It'll pass real quick" Morales said, Down on the street Rick and Glenn continue on in the rain "The smell's washing off, isn't it? Is it washing off?" Glenn asked "No, it's not" Rick said walkers start to stop their shuffling and begin looking around "Well, maybe" Rick said a walker attacks Rick he splits its head open with his axe "RUN!" Rick yelled, Rick and Glenn hack their way through the walkers in their way as they run to the chain link fence between them and the construction site. Up on the roof Morales, Andrea and Jacqui stand in the rain watching them run "Come on. Come on. Come on" Morales said

Rick throws his axe over the fence. He and Glenn leap up and over. Behind them the walkers rush forward and pile up on the fence. Rick and Glenn tear off their raincoats. Glenn runs for the keyboard while Rick turns and starts picking off the most aggressive walkers with his pistol. Glenn breaks open the key box with his crowbar and grabs the one for the Ferenc cube van "Rick!" Glenn yelled, Glenn tosses the key to Rick; they both run for the truck. One walker climbs over the fence and runs after them. The walker pounds on Glenn's window "Go go go go!" Glenn yelled and Rick backed the truck out, tires squealing. The walker is thrown off but continues to pursue. The crowd of walkers' weight pushes against the gate until it collapses. They push through and chase after them. Up on the roof Jacqui, Andrea and Morales watch them drive away "They're leaving us" Andrea said "What? What?" Merle said "No no no no no. Where are they going? Where are they going?" Morales said "No no, come back" Andrea said.

The cube van breaks through the construction site fence on the far side. Rick drives it through and around the corner "Oh my God. Oh my God. They're all over that place" Glenn said "You need to draw them away. Those roll-up doors at the front of the store –That area? That's what I need cleared. Raise your friends. Tell them to get down there and be ready" Rick said "And I'm drawing the geeks away how? I—I missed that part" Glenn said "Noise" Rick said. Moments later on a deserted street Rick puts the crowbar through the driver's side window of a red sports car. The alarm blares. Glenn covers his ears and fidgets while Rick works quickly Rick uses a screwdriver to hotwire the car moments later Glenn barrels down the road in the red sports car Glenn passes Rick in the cube van on their way back to the department store "Those roll-up doors at the front of the store facing the street – Meet us there and be ready" Glenn said "Come on! Let's go, let's go!" Morales "Hey, you can't leave me here!" Merle said Andrea, Jacqui, Morales and T-Dog pick up all their bags and run for the stairs "I'm not fooling, man! Morales! Hey, man! Don't do this! Come on. Hey, that's my gun. You can't leave me. Don't leave me here, you guys" Merle said "Morales come on" Andrea said T-Dog stops at the door while the rest of them run down the stairs. Morales goes back to the door.

"I'm coming! We've gotta go!" Morales said "Morales! You can't leave me like this, man! Hey, T-Dog. No, man. You can't leave me, man. You can't leave me here – Not like this. You can't man. It's not human. Come on, don't do this" Merle said "Come on, T. Come on!" Merle said T-Dog runs back, knocking over Dale's abandoned tool bag "Come on, yeah! Yeah! Come on! Co—that's it! Yes! Come on, baby! Come on" Merle said, T-Dog stumbles and the key flies out of his hand across the roof right towards a drain pipe "Come on" Merle said, Merle and T-Dog both reach for the key as it bounces around and down the pipe Morales Andrea and Jacqui run through the sales floor past the walkers still growling at the doors "Go" Morales said "Son of a bitch! You did that on purpose!" Merle said "I didn't mean to!" T-Dog said "You lie! You did it on purpose!" Merle said T-Dog runs for the door "It was an accident!" T-Dog said, T-Dog goes back to the door and bangs it shut. He padlocks the chain hanging from the door jam.

Andrea Jacqui and Morales run through to the roll up doors. Jacqui and Andrea grab the pull down chain, ready to raise them. Morales joins them and they wait for the signal "Okay. Okay. I got it" Andrea said "Shh" Morales said as they heard a car alarm go off "What is that?" Andrea asked Outside on the street Glenn drives past the doors then backs up. He waits for the walkers to take the bait. Immediately they turn and start toward him "Come on. Come on" Glenn said as walkers crowd around the car "Get closer. Get closer. Come on. Come on" Glenn said, Glenn backs up in fits and starts leading the walkers away from the doors. When they are following enough he speeds up, flips the car around and drives forward.

Almost completely unnoticed Rick pulls up behind the walkers that are following Glenn. He backs up into position at the pull up doors where Jacqui Andrea and Morales are waiting "Hey, wait for me!" T-Dog said, T-Dog dashes through the store with walkers chasing close behind him Rick runs to the back of the truck and lifts the door T-Dog gets to the room where the others wait "They're here! Let's go! They're in here!" T-Dog said "Let's go!" Andrea said "Open the door!" Morales said "We've gotta go!" T-Dog said "Go!" Morales said they heave their bags up to Rick. He tosses them into the back and gets back into the driver's seat T-Dog throws himself up into the truck. A crowd of walkers comes out through the hallway and to the truck "I'm in!" Morales said Rick hits the gas while Morales lets down the back door. Rick drives the truck down the highway back toward the camp. Morales comes up and sits in the passenger seat. Rick looks back at the others, puzzled. Morales looks at T-Dog who is grimacing in pain. Andrea and Jacqui exchange a look "I dropped the damn key" T-Dog said "Where's Glenn?" Andrea asked the red sports car races south down I85 "Whoo-hoo-hoo! Yeah-hoo-hoo!" Glenn said.

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