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I'd like you to please note that I know not all Slytherins are bad, but in this Kai thinks they are. Anyways I hope you enjoy this part!

    The next few months went by slowly. Everyone barely got time to talk unless they were in the same class or house. And even then, it was very little. 

     Jay had spent all his time worrying even more than the others on how to get home. He felt guilty as he was the one who constructed the machine that sent them there in the first place. He spent every evening in the library researching magical items he could possibly use in place of the Serpentine scales. 

     Over their time at Hogwarts, the ninjas also figured out they could no longer use their elemental powers.


     Kai paced the Slytherin common room, ignoring glances from his house-mates. Along with being in a different world from his own, he couldn't use his fire powers, he was the age of eleven again, and he was in the "evil" house. What really was the worst was the fact that none of his friends were in the same house as him, meaning he was left to face this alone. 

     Kai stopped pacing, and sighed. he looked at the clock. It was way after students were allowed out of their common rooms, but he didn't want to stay there any longer. he put up the hood of his robes and stepped out of the common room.


     Jay couldn't sleep. he tossed and turned, listening to the other Hufflepuffs' snoring, and trying to get comfortable. Back home, he could get to sleep within seconds. But for the last few months he'd been at Hogwarts, he was lucky if he got two hours of sleep. The previous night he'd gotten no sleep at all. 

     Finally, Jay couldn't take it anymore. he pulled back his blanket, and threw on his robes. He crept down to the common room. No one else was in the common room at this hour. He made his way across the room, and out into the hallway. 

     Jay quietly made his way up multiple flights of stairs, checking around every corner for Mrs. Norris. He made his way to the library. Madame Pince had most likely long gone to bed so the library would be empty. 

     He went into the library only to be surprised to find Kai there, leaning against a bookshelf and flipping through a book about magical artifacts. 

     "It's no use, I've already read that one." Jay quietly said. Kai jumped a bit, and looked at him. He carefully closed the book.

     "Oh, right." Kai put the book back on the shelf. His eyes widened a little, examining Jay. "You look terrible, no offense." Jay shook his head.

     "I'm fine, just haven't been able to sleep very well. I don't do well sleep-wise in different environments," he lied. "What are you doing here so late?" 

     "I'm just tired of being in this dimension." He replied. Jay's stomach dropped. "So I came down here to try and find anything that could help."  

     "Alright" Jay took two books off the nearest shelf. "We'll look together." He handed one of the books to Kai.

     The two sat in the library searching through books not more than twenty minutes when they heard a soft meow. They scanned the room until Jay's eyes fell on a cat. Mrs. Norris. The maine coon scurried out of the library, no doubt to get Filch. 

     Kai and Jay glanced at each other, and then hurried to put their books away. They left with a quick goodbye and quickly went to their respective common rooms. 

     The next day, Jay sluggishly went to breakfast. He hadn't been able to drift to sleep again. He sat next to Cole at the Hufflepuff table, and piled his plate with eggs, toast, and bacon. He slowly ate his food.

     "Woah, are you okay?" Cole asked him. Jay nodded.

     "Yeah, just fell asleep a little late last night." He lied. The two finished their breakfast in silence. 

     After Jay finished his plate, he was surprised when Professor Dumbledore stood up. The great hall fell silent. 

     "Mr. Filch has asked me to remind you all that being out of your common rooms after 10 p.m. is strictly prohibited." He said. Jay caught a glimpse of Filch stroking Mrs. Norris, and looking directly at him. He quickly looked away and instead shared a glance with Kai, who sat at the Slytherin table. Professor Dumbledore sat down once again. 

     Jay was about to get up when Nya walked over.

     "Hey guys! We're going to meet up outside the library after classes. Me and Zane think we may have found something." She said, smiling.

     "Oh that's great!" Cole said.

     "Yeah awesome" Jay said, not as enthusiastic. Nya left the table, but not before giving Jay a worried look. 

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