... With Memories

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"Yeah— Oh! Ana! Before I forget." Ana stopped to hear her. "Could you contact that accountant friend you told me about and see if they can come here one of these days?" Ámbar asked. "Because with the Open Music I could somehow manage, but this event is bigger and there'll be a lot more things to consider, I could really use their help."

"Of course," Ana said with a smile. "I'll call her later and ask her, but I don't think she'll have any problem."

"Awesome. Thank you so much, Ana," Ámbar said for maybe the fifth time that day, but she was truly a godsend. "I really don't know what I'd do without you."

"You're completely welcomed." Ana waved as she walked away. "See you later, Ámbar."

"See you!"

Ámbar grabbed her notepad and scratched 'Check the documents with Ana' out of her To-do list. The preparations for the Roller Jam had been going smoothly thus far. She had shown Simón some reference pics she'd found on the internet of Día de los Muertos decorations and he'd helped her pick what would work best for the event. The budget was approved by Vidia and she had almost all planned out. To be honest, she thought she could have this done in a matter of days if it were only the Roller Jam she had to worry about, like back when she did the Flash Open, but now she had her everyday manager responsibilities on top of it, which left her very little time to work on the event.

She'd thought of just doing it in her free time, but Simón quickly advised her against it. 'If they're not paying you for pulling extra hours, don't do them; it's not worth it. I learned that years ago.' Sometimes she forgot that he had so much work experience. She felt sorry for him for having felt the need to start working so young, but she also admired him a lot for it. He knew so many things that she didn't, like something as crucial to life as cooking a meal, and he always gave his best at everything he did. She hoped that he could live his dream soon. He was a great musician and he deserved to be recognized for it, he deserved to give his best at what he really wanted to do.

And then... what about her?

Ámbar paused with her pen in hand. It wasn't like being the manager of the Roller was her life dream. After this job was over... what would she do with her life? What did she want to do?

She spent some minutes looking at the document in front of her, pretending to read it while actually contemplating life.

A presence came up to her table.

"Hey, Ámbar."

Ámbar looked up, snapping out of her thoughts. She was immediately surprised. This was unexpected.

"Can I talk to you?" Matteo asked her, hesitant, probably because he also knew how unusual this was. "As in, in private?"

Ámbar's brows drew together a little. "Uh... Sure." It was a strange request but she saw no reason to say no. It wasn't like she was being very productive at the moment.

She stood from her seat and Matteo walked towards the dressing room, so she followed him there. Once inside, she closed the door behind her. "What's up?"

"Well, first of all, I wanted to say that I really like your Día de los Muertos idea for a Roller Jam," Matteo said. "We were all worried, to be honest, when you first became the Roller's manager, but I gotta admit, you've come up with very good things since then, and I think you deserve some credit."

Ámbar blinked. Okay... had she entered some alternate dimension without her knowing or something? Why was Matteo telling her this? "Wow, um, thank you...? I'm doing my best to be the best manager I can be," she said.

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