Magift and Mysteries

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The Usurper from the Wilds
(Chapter 2: 5-8)

3rd POV

     After Grim asked that one specific question, everyone was either shocked how Grim doesn't know or agreeing since they didn't know either. Tony and (Y/n) literally didn't know what it was since they are still not familiar with this strange world they live in. And frankly, no one should be surprised about that.

"Honestly, what is Magift? Sounds like Quidditch. Are you sure this ain't Hogwarts? I never know what anyone is talking about." (Y/n) sighed in exhaustion as she is now given new information that isn't related to her getting home question earlier.

"I swear this place is full of weirdos." Tony agreed.

Ace and Deuce were surprised as ever, "Dude, (Y/n), Tony... You've never heard of Magift?!"

"Um, genius? We don't live in this world, remember?" Tony pointed out in a bored tone.

"Well, it's a world-famous sport!" Deuce explained, "There's even a pro league and a world championship tournament."

"I ain't never heard of this neither!" Grim added, feeling left out.

"Magical Shift AKA Magift is a sport played by competing teams of seven people." Ace mentioned, "Basically, players battle for control of a disc and earn points by drivin' it into the enemy team's goal. The team with the most points wins!"

(Y/n) was able to get the idea of what it was now, "Oh! So like football! Tony, the Avengers, and I played it one too many times before. It was fun."

Tony chuckled at that memory since Vision had trouble kicking the ball because he would accidentally kick it too hard, Banner turning into Hulk to tackle down Thor and so much more. "Yeah, I remember. But geez, Point Break is a fucking cheater!"

"He is cheater. And I thought Hulk was much worse. Oh! Remember when Clint played and accidentally kicked the football on Steve's crotch!" They both laughed, leaving the others confused by what they meant.

"Football...? Say what?" Deuce was confused by this new sport they brought up.

"Hm. I've not heard of such a game, but I'll look it up the next time I'm at the library. Perhaps it will yield some sort of clue." Crowley pondered, resting his chin on top of his finger.

"Man, now that I think about it, (Y/n) could totally play it." Ace pointed out.

"Huh? Why?" Grim questioned.

"You need magic to play. And since that's something (Y/n) doesn't have to worry about, she could definitely play. You need to use magic to move the disc, and you also need it to attack and defend, too."

"The flashier the magic, the better—it's how players show off their skills!" Ace added.

"Yes, quite! That is why Night Raven College is known throughout the world as a leader in the sport! This school has produced countless pro players! That's why our interdorm Magift tournaments attract attention even from pro league recruiters. Also, those simply looking up-and-coming magicians use the event to scout hopeful candidates. Yes, the tournament is quite an affair. The campus will be full of visitors and lined with various kiosks. And the main event will be captured by television cameras and broadcast worldwide." Crowley also mentioned, making (Y/n) surprised, Grim starry-eyed, and a Tony looking a little deadpan about it.

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