Off With the Queen, Now Onto the King

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The Usurper from the Wilds
(Chapter 2: 1-4)

(Y/n) POV

     I can't believe this is happening again! Falling down the rabbit hole again and off to a new world. Why can't I just die in my dream? This is bull. I felt something soft to my side, waking up from the sleep paralysis demon again only to see Grim on my side, sleeping like a baby. I smiled seeing how after everything we've been through, we still have each other. Hopefully, I can go back home. I miss everyone, I just wish things can go back to the way it used to be...

I felt a bit sleepy and I could be hallucinating again because the mirror in my room is glowing AGAIN. Not a good sign. I felt it takeover me and I began to dream. I was no longer in Alice in Wonderland, but somewhere else. The ground felt hard, I felt the sun rays hit my face, and the wind blew through my hair, I even heard animals around me. I felt something touch my face as I open my eyes only to see a zebra with its herd behind it, in front of my face. I panicked and ran away from the herd of zebras in front of me. Freaking Marty!

I couldn't tell where I was but I know this wasn't a zoo. This ain't San Diego either, Melman. Ugh! The wind is everywhere! I was able to get away from the zebras and hide on top of a huge rock so it couldn't get to me. To my surprise, it wasn't just the zebras that were there, almost every animal from parts of Africa, South America, Asia, and even from Europe. But where have I seen this from before? Why can't I put my finger on it?

All the animals looked at a specific direction, waiting for something. I looked and I see a massive rock formation from where I was standing. But it was really dark since the clouds were blocking the sun rays from hitting the rock itself.

"I can hear the wind..."

All the animals that stood around me as I stood on a boulder that was taller than most of the animals, didn't seemed bothered by me as I was only a human. They stood in rows while being in their groups. I continued to watch at the huge rock until I see a lion and a monkey or mandrill on the rock. This was Pride Rock. And that's—Mufasa and Rafiki.

Rafiki followed Mufasa while carrying something in his hands. I couldn't see it, but I knew what it was. Rafiki finally caught up to Mufasa and his wife, Sarabi, as he walked to the edge of Pride Rock and showed the yellow thing in his arms. A baby cub. Rafiki looked at the crowd before his gaze approached me, he seemed shocked at first before he flashed me a smile before going back to his duties.

Rafiki looked at Mufasa and Sarabi before lifting their son, Simba, in the air as the sun shined on him, making all the animals roar and cheer in their own way before bowing to their next future king. I did the same while watching Simba look down to see everybody there, bowing down to him. His eyes and I met in contact before young Simba tried to get out of Rafiki's grip. I was confused at first until I felt like I was going to wake up again.

After that Lion King movie incident, I woke to hear Grim talking to himself in his sleep, he was repeatedly kicking my leg. He was also drooling too. Gross. He was really in a deep sleep because he was dreaming of something.

"Myaaaah! Meeeooow! Myah myaaah..." Grim kept tossing and turning into the bed with a smile on his face."

"Dude, are you having a nightmare?" I kept shaking Grim awake, worried if he was having a nightmare.

"Myaaah... Thass whatchu get...fer crossin' Grim da Miiightyyy..." What a jerk.

"He's even a jerk in his dream." I raised my fist in the air and smacked him hard on the head. "Wake up!"

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