First End V

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They came the same day. First was your son, who flew up to greet you as you sat upon your shared moon. Nut has long shielded the world from the rivers, it would be perfect to just stay there but you've been visiting your spawn more and more.

He was flushed and panting, feathers slipping off him as he turned back into humanoid before you.

"I-I believe I've made a grave mistake! Ra has cursed Nut to be barren so long as the day is part of the year!"

You sigh and close your eyes.... So soon? Too soon. And yet, Very soon. You can't put to words the churning in your stomach.

"My beloved Thoth... you can't blame yourself," you slowly get up and walk towards him, reaching down and putting a hand on his shoulder. "You couldn't have known that Ra would act this way after hearing your prophecy." He cranes his head up to look at you.

"But you did?" Tears form in his baby blue eyes and you immediately can tell you made a mistake.

You turn away as he follows after you, dark fabric flowing behind faltering his steps as he tries to avoid stepping on it.

"But you did! I didn't even tell you that I told Ra anything and you knew! Why? Am I not worthy of your knowledge? Isn't my very nature to know? Am I..."

He grits his teeth, breath quickening before he steps forward, stepping on your cloak and yanking at your train.

"Am I not worthy!? Am I not worthy for your love? Please,  father!-"

You pause at that, suddenly sent back to a time where he was small and you were weak.

"Father! Please! Look at me!" He cried out, tiny hands pulling at your headdress, tears bubbling out like how he was born. "Why don't you love me!?"

But those hands are big now. His arms strong enough to tear it off of you. You quickly turn towards him. The reflection of the sun he casts onto your own skin, making him freeze in shock as he stares at your face.

"Don't you dare make me cry, boy." You seethe at him, too upset to realize he could see every bit of venom in your face. He flinches back, his own tears still flowing.

"F-Father, please, I don't know what you're planning but don't you realize I love you? That the others love you. All of Heliopolis loves you! Why can't you love us back?"

He reaches his hands up towards your face. You sneer and snarl but he cups your cheeks.

"Please.... Reveal yourself. You don't have to live in shadows, you can be happy with us. You can happy with me."

You're about to hit him but as you raise your hand, he doesn't flinch, doesn't retaliate, simply holds your face and looks at you with all the adoration, all the fear, all the love one could have for their parent.

Pain. You're feeling pain. You're weak, you've always have been. Your arm crumples, your whole being melts and you claw against your thigh to contain the tear about to form.

"...Thoth... I'll stop. I promise, I'll stop hurting you. You'll get your happy family, I promise." You blurt out, voice cracking.

Thoth sobbed, tears renewing now with joy as he hugged you tightly against him. More of your sheer fabrics ripped but it didn't matter as you let him hug you.

"Thank you.... I love you...." He mutters, burying his face into your hair, like he used to. The stray silver locks  poking out of your headdress curl around him.

Your hand comes up and pets his head as you let yourself finally relax into his embrace, closing your eyes and enjoying the last time you'll be with him like this.

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