"And we're gonna provide back up," Gabby grabs Nicole's arm and drags her behind Shay.


Mills brings a puppy into the common room, Nicole immediately ignoring everyone else and heading straight for the puppy and grabbing him, "Well hello, little puppy. Oh, aren't you the cutest thing?"

Matt shakes his head, "Told you to keep it away from Nic. Sorry, Mouch, looks like the pup stays."

Mouch argues, "Just because Little Severide wants to keep the puppy doesn't mean we are. Boden still has to approve."

Nicole sits on the couch with the puppy in her lap while Gabby and Shay gather around behind her and Mills sits on the couch next to her. They play with the puppy until Gabby spots Boden, "Oh, dad, can we keep it? Huh? Can we? Can we? Can we?"

"Keep what?"

"The dog?" Shay asks.

Boden turns to Nicole, who holds the puppy's face up close to her pouting one, "Pwease."

"The kids dad was gonna drown it if we didn't take him-" Mills explains.

"He can't stay," Boden tells them.

"Aw, but dadddd," Nicole whines.

He holds a finger up at her, "No, the last time you asked to keep a dog, you were ten. Running through these halls, gathering support for a firehouse dog and then what happened?"

Nicole gets a smirk on her face, "I came every shift to take care of him until one shift he was just gone. So, that's not on me."

Boden realizes she's right and goes a different route, "If you love the thing so much, why don't you take it home with you?"

She turns to Matt and pouts, "Can we? Please, Matt!"

"We still are doing renovations to the house and that's no place for a dog. Ask again when everything's done and the answer will be yes," Matt reminds her, chuckling as she pouts more.

"I got a call at 67 over at Morningside, they need relief for the next two shifts," Boden addresses the group.

"I'll do it," Otis volunteers.

Cruz looks at him like he's insane, "What? That's the slowest house in the city."

"I'll do it," Otis says.

Kelly walks through the door, "Oh, what the hell, you got a medical furlough, Severide," Hadley busts Kelly's balls, "Which means you are medically required to be out drinking."

Nicole just stares down at the puppy as she realizes what Kelly's here to do, "Yeah, well, this may be more than just a furlough. I'm moving to Spain with Renee."


Getting a call, they roll out. Arriving on scene, Nicole leads the other two women towards the doors where a woman opens them, crying, "My baby. My baby's been shot."

They pick up the pace, climbing up the stairs to find a man on the ground. As soon as all four women are in the apartment, the door slams shut a man points a gun at the other woman, "My baby."

"You called the cops?" He yells at her as the paramedics keep their hands up.

"You've been shot, baby. Put down that gu-" She reaches for the gun but the man uses it to slam her into the wall, knocking her out.

"Whoa, take it easy," Shay tells him.

He points the gun as them, "Shut up, don't speak to me. I'm not going back to jail."

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