The door immediately opened. Short girl pulled Bahiyyih in and closed it back.

More than work-out machines in a small room Hiyyih's attention caught a well known black beenie, now covering Hikaru's cute eyes. 

She couldn't help but smile, however her look remained soft. Is she really that shy?

Hikaru's shoulders jumped under another hiccup. She fleetly covered her mouth with her hand.

"I see that scaring you didn't work at all."

Little beenie was quickly pulled down to show a gloomy gaze... and short black hair flying due to static electricity. 

"Have you drunk enough?" asked Hiyyih with a caring tone.

"My stomach, hiccup, has already turned into a lake," her bestie desperately mumbled, crossing arms on her chest.

So it's yes.

"Ahh, come here, sweetie."

They ended up in a tight pacifying hug, where Bahiyyih's cheek was warming a forehead of her little friend, who was closing her eyes. Hikaru even seemed to be holding her breath so she wouldn't be popping against this beloved one...

... but she bumped into her chin anyways.

"Ouch," Hiyyih rubbed it with an uncomfortable smile. Hichan definitely cannot be the top of the pyramid like this...

"Okay, I have one another idea. Do you have your drinking bottle here?"

Hikaru took a few fresh steps to a smaller square window where she has put her bottle and brought it back to Bahiyyih.

"I do," she smiled playfully. Now she gained back some of her shining confidence thanks to the warm hug.

"Nice. Put it down here," Hiyyih pointed on the ground in front of her, "and do a handstand. I'll hold you under your knees, so you can drink head down."

Hikaru tilted her head a little bit in a short speculation.

"Hmph? Sounds interesting..." Sweet-smile wink. 

Talented cheerleader had no reason to doubt her mate's suggestion. She knew this lion is strong enough after all. They both adjusted their pleated skirts covering white shorts, getting ready for the action. 

"Here we go."

Then Hikaru raised up her hands and carefully did a stand against her bestie's body, on whose shoulder's she hung herself. 

Bahiyyih immediately caught her calves. 

"Okay. Okay, gotcha."

"Niceu~" replied Hikaru with a tense expression caused by increased amount of blood in her face. Then she grabbed her bottle of water, opened it and lift her head up a little bit, so she could start to drink. Again... 

Gulp... gulp... gulp.

It's probably obvious that it was nothing easy to do, but she successfully finished it with a loud exhale. 


"Ahhh, zettai!" 

The bottle ended up on the floor with a rumble. 

Powerful Charmander has fixed her body more, caught monkey by her forearm and help her up.

Short messy hair framed Hikaru's surprised expression with sparkling tear-shaped eyes, as she immediately wrapped arms around Hiyyih's neck and pink ponytail. 

Hiccup! ʰⁱʰⁱᶻ ᵉⁿᵍWhere stories live. Discover now