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Stepping into the small town's bakery, Zayn caught the scent of the freshly baked goods - cakes, muffins, cookies, you name it. It was warm inside the building, a nice welcome compared to the harsh cold from outside. Zayn hated winter, in case that wasn't clear already.

He made his way over to the counter where the registers were, and he was almost instantly greeted by a familiar face. Apparently, Liam worked here. Zayn would have to come around here more often. "Hey again, mate," Liam greeted. He seemed more tired than the day before, probably having been working for a while now. And if Zayn could tell anything from the black apron Liam was wearing that was covered in flour, he would assume it's been a busy day.

"Hey, Liam," Zayn greeted with a grin. "You trying to become one of the cakes?" he teased. Liam laughed, shaking his head. He brushed some of the flour off the apron, then looked back at Zayn. "Not yet. Busy day today. Christmas coming up and all that." "Ooh, that's rough," Zayn sympathized. "Eh, it's not bad working here. It's quite relaxed most of the time, so this is a nice change - actually seeing the others working," Liam shrugged. Zayn chuckled. "How's Thor doing?" Liam's face lit up at the mention of the little pup, and Zayn almost died right there. How the fuck was Liam - a grown man - this cute? "He's doing great. Loves that little sweater I got him, surprisingly enough," Liam chuckled at the memory of the dog in the small red sweater. "Man, that's surprising for a dog. They usually tolerate those things, at most," Zayn laughed. "Thor's a strange little thing, that's for sure," Liam shook his head fondly. "Anyway, what can I get you?"


After Zayn put in his order, he sat at a small table in the corner of the bakery. He pulled out his phone, sending a quick text to Louis. He had told the lad about Liam last night, and Louis had told Zayn to tell him if he saw Liam again. So, he figured that would be the best thing to do, instead of telling Louis whenever they met up again. Louis texted back moments later, saying that he was coming over to the bakery. Zayn didn't even bother to protest, knowing that Louis would do it either way, no matter what he said.

"Oh, hey, Lou!" Zayn looked up when he heard Liam's voice, instantly followed by the ever obnoxious one of Louis. "Hey, Payno!" Liam chuckled at the nickname, setting a cup of hot chocolate on the clean countertop. "Long time no see, mate." "Right? It's been far too long," Louis responded. "We should make sure to meet up sometime." Liam nodded in agreement, then picked up the cup of hot chocolate. "Sorry, I'll be right back in a moment. I've got to get this to a customer," Liam half-heartedly apologized, already walking over to Zayn's table. Louis shrugged in response, following Liam over to Zayn's table. 

"Here you go, mate. Sorry for the wait. Harry wanted to make it fresh, and he messed up the first try," Liam said, handing Zayn the cup. "S' alright," Zayn chuckled. "Oh, do you two know each other?" Louis smirked, winking at Zayn. "Yeah, just met yesterday, actually," Liam said, not noticing Louis's smirk. "You're in luck then, Li. Zayn's a lovely guy," Louis grinned. "Oh, I know," Liam said casually, as if he didn't know how much it flustered Zayn. (Which was probably the case. Liam was pretty oblivious, it seemed.) "Em, thanks," Zayn coughed awkwardly into his fist, quickly taking a sip of the hot beverage. Liam shrugged in response, seemingly thinking there was no reason to be thanked for his words. "I've got to get back to work then. See you guys later," Liam smiled, waving to the two before walking back to the counter. Zayn already knew Louis would be teasing him endlessly for that whole interaction.

My Snowman and Me || Ziam MayneWhere stories live. Discover now