Christmas Eve (Louis Tomlinson Day)

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Zayn huffed in annoyance as Louis came running into the living room, shouting something about his birthday, as if Zayn didn't already know. Louis had made a big deal out of it - a countdown to his birthday since October, and a constant reminder of the upcoming day for Zayn. It had gotten a bit annoying, but at least Zayn knew he wouldn't forget the date.

"Happy Birthday, Lou," Zayn said when Louis sat next to him on the couch. "Thank you, Zaynie," Louis responded with a wide grin, fiddling with some sort of paper in his hand. Louis kept messing with it until Zayn spoke up. "Alright, I'll bite. What is that?" "I'm glad you asked!" Louis exclaimed. "This, my dear friend, is a card to me from the love of your life, your major crush, the boy you want in your pants." Zayn rolled his eyes despite how flustered he was about the thing. Louis was an idiot. "Shut up." "That is no way to talk to your best friend of all time on his birthday."


A few hours later, Zayn and Louis went over to the bakery. (Against Zayn's will, of course. He knew Louis would either want to snog Harry endlessly, or get Zayn with Liam.) At least Louis had an excuse to go over - to get some sort of cake for his birthday party later that day.

The scent of freshly baked cakes filled Zayn's nose as the two walked into the empty bakery. As Zayn had expected, he and Louis were instantly greeted by Liam, holding some sort of box. "Hey, guys!" He smiled happily. "I've got your cake right here, Louis." He held out the box, gingerly lifting the lid to reveal a beautifully decorated cake. It had white icing, and sides covered with oreo cookie crumbs, the words 'Happy Birthday, Louis' written carefully across the top of the cake. It looked amazing, Zayn would admit.

"That looks perfect," Louis grinned. "Tell Harry thanks." "Tell me what?" Harry walked out from behind the counter, wiping his hands on the black apron he was wearing. "Thanks for the cake," Louis replied with a smile. "Oh, don't thank me. That was all Liam. I just baked the thing," Harry said, pointing in Liam's direction. Liam shrugged in response to the looks he got. "It was just one of the common orders we got. All I did was spread some icing and cookie crumbs on it, and write a few words on the top." "Still impressive, mate," Louis chuckled. Liam simply shrugged again. "I'll be back. We've got a few customers coming in now." With that, Liam left to the counter, attending to the few customers who had come in while they had been talking.


Zayn sighed, tilting his head back boredly. Louis's party had started, and, as admittedly good the party was, Zayn was bored out of his mind. He didn't know anyone at the party, and he knew Harry and Liam wouldn't be there until a few minutes later. And Louis had run off somewhere to get drunk and talk about himself. Typical Louis, of course.

Bringing the cup up to his lips, Zayn took a long sip of the beer he had been given. He checked the clock on the wall and noted the time. Five minutes until Liam and Harry should arrive. He could wait that long, right?

Zayn checked the clock again. It had only been two minutes. He huffed out an exasperated sigh, sliding down the wall to sit. Three minutes left now.


Liam and Harry had finally arrived, and now Zayn was left alone with Liam. Harry had run off to go do Louis or something. He hadn't really paid attention. "So, uh," Zayn started awkwardly. He paused when he saw Liam point up at something, silly grin appearing on his face. Zayn nearly stopped breathing when he saw what it was - mistletoe. Really? Liam gave Zayn a questioning look, as if to ask if it was okay if they did it. Zayn didn't say a word, and just pressed his lips against Liam's.

My Snowman and Me || Ziam Mayneजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें