Christmas special!!!

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◇ = yours or someone elses thoughts

☆ = you / y/n talking

bold/ italic / ☀/ 🌙 = sun or moon talking

normal/ different symbols = every one except y/n, moon, sun


you open the door and see sun and moon getting things out of their closet along with a Christmas tree "☆for how long has that been In there-☆  ☀I don't know we just have it there now let's prepare for Christmas shall we y/n, here have this Santa hat now help us get this down☀  ☆sure!☆" You put the hat on and help bring the stuff down and help prepare after a few hours you guys are done "☀it looks great now let's go help everyone else with the bigger one for the mall☀  ☆alright☆" you, sun, and moon went to the center of the mall were every one was at "☆whoa that's on big tree☆  ☀now common let's help around here!☀" You spent hours with everyone getting this giant tree ready, and after that, it was time for a bit of rest before it was Christmas

The next day was fun the pizza plex was extra busy today but everyone managed and the plex closes early today luckily now that's the day is over everyone planed to go to the arcade and have a little meeting and to play a few games of course, you put 10 gift boxes in your bag and headed to the arcade before you went to the arcade you past by what used to be bloxys room "☆i know your dead now even though here have this merry Christmas☆" you leave a gift box inside then head to the arcade once you get there it looks like every one was waiting for you to arrive  "☆I'm here☆" now that you were here the party began

"☆alright people it's time for secret Santa!☆" Everyone gathered in a circle around the stage where the dj was at "☆alright to begin we will all have tags for were we sit and before we sit down we place the gifts we bought for each other infront of were there siting then we will open our gifts and guess who gave it to us alright☆ ☀🌙alright🌙☀ alright" everyone did as they were told (except dj man he to big so he gets to stay in place) after a bit everyone sat down in there designated spot "☆well be starting with freddy☆" freddy had 9 presents in total he grabbed one and opened it "its a picture of me and gregory, I this might have came from y/n  ☆nope☆ ♤it was me♤ oh thank you Vanessa" after awhile it was monty's turn he got 8 presents, roxanne got also 8 presents, chica got 6, gregory got 7, music man got 9, Vanessa got 5, sun got 6, moon got 5, and you got 10

It was finally your turn to open your gifts and what you got were some adult toys from chica (don't question my choices of gifts you get :D) sun and moon pins from roxanne, golden sun and moon plush from gregory, a suit from freddy, a raise from Vanessa, some sun shaped sunglasses from monty, sun and moon chokers from music man, condoms from moon, a fidget from sun, and a few maid outfits that bring cuffs from ???. You put all the things for sex in one pile and save it and save the rest to wear when ever you wanted to and to sleep everyone whent afterwards

A/n hello my dear readers, so uhh, have a Christmas special it was an idea on the spot, so uhh, sorry if it's short anyway. HAPPY CHRISTMAS 🥳🥳🥳 AND WERE HALF WAY TO MY GOAL OF 100 CHAPTERS 🥳🥳🥳🥳

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