A rosy blush arose to Lucille's cheeks, "Thank you, your highness. How are you enjoying London so far?"

Freidrich smiled, "I am finding the city most pleasant. I have always loved to travel, and meet new people along the way."

"That sounds awfully exciting." Lucille told him, "I must say I myself am more inclined to the country." She admitted.

"As am I." Freidrich spoke, almost surprised at how much they had in common, "I have many estates situated in the most beautiful sceneries. You would be most welcome to see them one day for yourself."

Lucille's cheeks were burning bright pink at that moment, "It would be the greatest honour, your highness."

The queen and Marianne grinned at the interaction, obviously happy with the two's rather quickly connection already. Freidrich had then reluctantly left to allow his aunt to introduce him to more debutantes, despite both their minds already set.

Lucille turned to Marianne with a giddy smile, "Sister! Did you just see that?"

"Indeed I did." Marianne remarked as Lucille sighed dreamily, clutching her sister's arm as they took a turn about the room.

"I have not met one young gentleman so far that has made me feel so. . ." She struggled to find the right word.

"Charmed?" Marianne questioned.

"Yes! But it was also more than that." Lucille told her, "It was like a connection, one I cannot seem to explain. And not just because he is a prince. But because he was everything I desire and more." She sighed.

Marianne chuckled, "Well, do not get ahead of yourself, you have only spoke once."

Lucille smiled sheepishly, "I know. But what if Cressida sinks her claws into him before I can do so much as look his way again?"

Marianne gave her sister a look, "Lucille, I saw the way he looked at Cressida and I saw the way he looked at you. There is no denying he is already smitten for my little sister."

Lucille giggled in delight as the sisters walked together. Who would've thought? Lucille Dawson a future princess.

I have always thought that an appreciation of the arts is what lifts us beyond mere animals. It stirs the passions and moves the spirit, and, this author hopes, inspires more newsworthy pursuits. A new wing at Somerset House is to be opened today, where several attractions will be on display. . . like the lovely Miss Marina Thompson, newly recovered from her mysterious illness and expected to finally rejoin the season.

Of course, there is today's royal attraction as well, Prince Friedrich of Prussia. His Highness has come to our shores in want of a fine Fräulein. Could this be the reason a certain language tutor has been seen visiting Cowper House all week?

Marianne smiled in wonderment as she and her family entered Somerset house. The paintings lined the golden tinted room, alighting it like a shimmer of the sun. Marianne had always been a bit of an admirer of art, so she decided that going to the exhibition would not be the worst thing after all.

Although for her brother and sister, things did not get off to a wonderful start.

With the arrival of the prince, doting mamas and desperate debutantes had swarmed the young royal, not giving Lucille so much as a chance to even see him. And her spirits were instantly crushed when Cressida had practically trampled every other young lady gathered in order to get to him. But Lucille did not know that whilst the prince did in fact acknowledge the young ladies before him, he was quite crestfallen when his eyes couldn't seem to find a certain blonde amongst the crowd.

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