Chapter 2

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Song of the chapter:
Raye- Flowers

"I'll get seven orders of pancakes with some hash browns, eggs, and maybe some orange juice", Kalin ordered proudly. I laughed quietly as the waiter struggled to write everyones orders down, "can everyone shut up, so rude", lauren shouted at everyone at the table. "lauren calm down, you're so uptight", Jake said in irritation. "You're so annoying maybe i would calm down if i could hear my own voice", Lauren refuted. Jake opened his mouth to defend himself but I cut him off, "okay you guys, it's officially summer, what do we have planned?", I asked with enthusiasm. Kalin shrugged, "i don't know about you but i'm about to get lots of extra sleep in the morning, lots of food, and much game time", he said with a wink at the end. Not getting his lame joke I went on ignoring his stupid comment, "We should do disney land you guys", I announced, when a fit of laughter erupted from everyone at the table. Feeling defeated, I sighed, "why not?", I asked tiredly. "Yeah because that's super affordable", Dom spoke for the rest of them, "not everyones dad is a doctor", Tyler chimed in jokingly. "Yeah but I mean we have all summer to save up", I added, blushing slightly while everyone was still laughing. "Okay Ariana", Lauren agreed sarcastically. Giving up, I slouched back down in my chair when Kalin spoke up, "Hey that might actually work?", he shared, "I mean it's just for a couple days, it's not like were trying to stay out there for a month", he elaborated. Instantly Lauren nodded her head, "yeah i guess maybe it could work", she suddenly agreed, as I rolled my eyes at her in a bit of annoyance. Slowly but surely everyone came to see eye to eye with the trip and agreed to pitch in their half. "Yay were going to Disney Land", Myles shouted childishly, startling the entire restaurant. Not effecting him, he then laughed hysterically, causing the rest of us to laugh.

"So Ari, you ready to bounce?", Kalin asked me as everyone began to talk amongst themselves. Ignoring him, I turned away, "what you're just gonna not talk to me like that?", he asked once more. Still not responding to him he began to get angry, "Come on Ari don't be like that, i'll sell the stupid motorcycle", he finally bargained. Turning my head back towards him, I greeted him with a giant smile, "thank you Kalin, love you", I exclaimed. Still a little upset by the situation he just nodded with creased eyebrows, "Kalin you know i'm doing this to watch out for you", I explained, "You know why your mom hates them, and I just don't want the same thing to happen to you". Clearly making the wrong move by explaining myself, he seemed to get even more angry, "Just leave me alone right now, I don't care", he muttered before getting up from his seat. "What the heck K, don't do that, don't be like that", I said to him, "I just don't want you to get hurt". Breaking his last straw I guess, he erupted, "Just say it Ariana, You don't want me to die like my dad did on the damn thing", he shouted. Everyone in the small building turned towards us, I could feel their eyes drilling in on me as he made his way to the bathroom.

"Is he okay?", I heard Lauren ask after things died down. Not in the mood to socialize, I just nodded hoping she'd take a hint. Thankfully she did, returning the smile she went back to conversing with Cam who spent the entire breakfast gazing at her in admiration while she of course obsessed over anything that came out of Kalins mouth. "Lauren", I said grabbing her attention, "I'm gonna grab Kalin and then probably head out, tell everyone I say bye", I told her, trying to get out of there quietly. She gave me a half hug from her seat and nodded. Making my way to the bathroom to check up on Kalin I was stopped half way by a familiar face, "Ariana?", Justin, my tenth grade crush asked me with curiosity. "Yeah thats me", I confessed, "Justin, right?", I asked, well knowing the answer. He smiled at me, his honey brown eyes twinkling as he replied, "Its strange bumping into you here", he went on, "you look great by the way", he said while eyeing me up and down. I could feel my face going red, "Hey thanks, not so bad yourself", I flirted, before I noticed a much taller, larger bodied frame appear behind him. "Kalin!", I called, "This is Justin", introducing the two. "We know each other", Kalin shared sourly, apparently still not over what had happened earlier. "Oh i'm sorry i didn't realize you guys were a thing", Justin said hesitantly, taking a step back from the very intimidating Kalin. "Were not", I quickly asserted, "but hey I have to go, but it was cool catching up", I said quickly, trying to leave before Kalin embarrassed me any further. "thats a good idea", Kalin advised with irritation, "ill be in the car, your mom called me twice", he said before he left while twirling his Mercedes Benz keys around his index finger. Getting ready to follow him I suddenly felt Justin's hand on my shoulder, "wait", he called, "we should exchange numbers, hang out sometime?", he suggested with a warm smile. "Yeah", I said with enthusiasm, "Yeah, i would like that".

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter.. Don't forget to vote & comment! Love, your author

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2015 ⏰

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