Chapter 24

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Lysanna was actually looking forward to visiting her parents. It would put some distance between Hogwarts, the Ministry and herself. Perhaps that would also make the decision a little easier. At the very least, it would help her sort her thoughts and make a decision based on the pros and cons rather than her feelings.

As she waited for the door to be opened for her, some childhood memories flooded her mind. Her parents still lived in the house she grew up in. A chic house in a quiet rural area. Lysanna had always liked it here. It felt good to be back here. Actually very good. She had not visited her parents for far too long. You wrote letters to each other, but it was something different to face each other in person.

"There you are! Come in, nice to see you!", she was greeted warmly by her mother. Lysanna was home again.


She had been here for four days now and had told her parents everything. Her parents were particularly interested in the break up with Theodor and the work at Hogwarts. Above all, Lysanna's father seemed almost relieved when she told them about the end of her relationship with Theodor. In fact, for the first time in a long time, the two of them had a sensible conversation without her father wanting to interfere in her life. It felt good, almost like he'd finally accepted that she wasn't the little girl that needed his help anymore.

It was also good to have put some distance between herself and the decision of whether to remain at Hogwarts or return to the Ministry. Lysanna had to admit that the decision still gave her a headache, but the distance from Hogwarts had brought her back closer to reality. She couldn't deny that she missed one thing in particular. Or rather, one person. She missed Severus. She often thought of him, of the really good conversations, the cautious closeness and the feelings that had formed between them.

But was she willing to turn her back on the ministry and her career only for him? No. Lysanna had realised by now that while Hogwarts was a really good time in her life, she would have a better future in the Ministry. Unfortunately, the feelings and developing love for Severus had only played a secondary role in her decision. Just because she wouldn't be teaching at Hogwarts didn't mean she couldn't love Severus. There were more than enough ways and opportunities. But Lysanna wasn't sure if he was ready to embark on this. It was obviously difficult for him to open up at all and to admit his feelings. She would definitely need to talk to him urgently when she got back. It wouldn't be an easy conversation, but Lysanna's decision was made.

"Won't you come in? It's getting cold out here.", it was her father's voice that tore her out of her thoughts. Lysanna sat on a small stone wall in the garden that separated the vegetable garden from the rest. Even as a child, she used to sit on this wall to read. She simply liked the place. Her eyes were fixed on the distance. She must have been sitting here for half an eternity, as it was already getting dark and she was indeed shivering.

"Uhm yes, I'll be right there," she answered, struggling to smile.

"Are you alright, little one?", it almost felt like it had felt in the past. Her father sat down next to her on the cold stone wall and carefully wrapped his arm around her. Lysanna smiled and laid her head on his shoulder. It had been ages since the two had been this close.

"You know, I've always worried about you. That at some point you might be unhappy with your choices. That you would blame us for not warning you, you know?. If there was one thing I didn't want to do, it was getting too involved in your life Lysanna. I am really sorry I'm so proud that you prevailed. That despite all my unnecessary hints and suggestions, you went your own way. I am, and of course your mother is too, really proud of you. I just wanted you to know that. I probably should have told you that much sooner, but..", her father admitted hesitantly. His words touched Lysanna. She had already noticed that he had changed, but she had not expected these honest words and this insight. Smiling, she slid a little closer to him.

"Thanks, dad," she whispered.

"You will make the right decision. And if you don't, you'll find a way anyway. The most important thing for us is that you are happy in the end.", he added. Of course she had also told her parents about the conflict she was in and this answer calmed Lysanna down.


The holidays didn't seem to want to end at all, the days that Severus mainly spent with his books, to somehow distract himself from his thoughts of Lysanna, passed painfully slowly. He still had to prepare some potions for Poppy, but the work wasn't very difficult and didn't take much time. He missed Lysanna more than he cared to admit. He thought long and hard about her, Severus knew that she cared about her work at the Ministry, that she cared about her career. And the more he thought about it, the more likely it became that Lysanna would actually return to the Ministry as planned. Whatever she chose in the end, he had to accept that decision. There was nothing else he could do. What was certain, however, was that for Severus, a decision against Hogwarts would also mean a decision against him. As hard as it would be, he knew he wouldn't be able to bear not having her around.

A loud knock snapped him out of his thoughts. His gaze fell on the book in his hands, which he had actually wanted to read. Instead of reading, however, he'd simply stared at the letters and pursued his thoughts.

Severus got up and headed for the door. He wasn't expecting anyone, so opened the door hesitantly.

"Minerva." He stated as he met the green eyes.

"Hello Severus, may I come in? I would like to have a talk." Minerva asked. She seemed strained. It wasn't happening often that she wanted to talk to him and went to his private chambers to do so, but he still let her inside. It could really only be about Lysanna, otherwise why would Minerva interfere?

"I really don't want to meddle in your affairs, but you are aware that if Lysanna decides to stay here, it will be mainly because of you. I assume she knows about it?" Minerva asked bluntly. So he was right.

Severus immediately knew what Minerva was aiming for. His past. So far he had suppressed this problem because he initially wanted to wait for Lysanna's decisions. While that wasn't the only reason, it was at least easier to calm down with that thought. He hated to admit it, but Minerva was quite right. If Lysanna was staying here because of him, which Severus actually thought was beyond the odds, then she deserved to know who she was getting herself into. If, after knowing his secret, she would even want to...

"Severus?" Minerva asked critically.

"Do not tell me she doesn't know yet that you were a death eater?"

Minerva didn't give him any time for an answer, but it wasn't necessary anyway. His embarrassed silence was more than enough of an answer.

"I am really disappointed in you! Don't you think she deserves that honesty? You know I do value you as a colleague, even if we don't always agree, but you are taking it too far. Talk to her when the holidays are over or I will have to tell her myself. She's still my niece. Think twice, Severus! That's my final warning!", not waiting for a reply, Minerva turned on her heel and disappeared out of the door. She was furious.

The worst thing about the whole situation was that she was more than right with every single word she said. Severus knew this, and it angered himself that he hadn't told Lysanna the truth right away. The already complicated situation had just become even more complicated.

"Ancient Runes" a Severus Snape ff - Snape x OCWhere stories live. Discover now