Chapter 5

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The following days were rather hectic for Lysanna, she first had to get used to everyday school life with the regulated procedures. Fixed mealtimes, the constant observation by the students, all of this was still a bit unusual for Lysanna, but she didn't regret her decision for a second.

Dumbledore had suggested that she should accompany the other professors first, so that she could get used to the daily routine of teaching. An excellent idea, at least Lysanna gained some time before she would have to teach all by herself and at the same time got the opportunity to get to know her colleagues a bit better. Lysanna had completed the first week at Professor Flitwick's side, during the upcoming week, she would now be in her aunt's classes. The subject "Transfiguration" was at least something that she was also personally well versed in.

Minerva of course didn't want to miss out on the opportunity to impress her students with her niece's special ability. And the students were actually more than impressed when a full-grown lynx entered the classroom alongside Professor McGonagall. The cat moved very calmly, seemed completely unfazed by the hustle and bustle in the classroom, as if it were the most normal thing in the world. The only thing that stood out about the lynx was the strange light reddish colour of its fur and the piercing blue eyes.

A quite satisfied smile tugged at Minerva's lips after her niece returned to human form and the students sat on their benches, mouths open and eyes wide.

"She's an Animaga, too," Hermione Granger blurted out.

"Quite well, Miss Granger," Minerva replied, beginning her class after the students had slowly calmed down again.


"What do you think of a toast to this successful day?" Minerva asked with a friendly smile after the last students had left the classroom in the evening. As head of Gryffindor house, it was also Minerva's job to supervise the students with their homework, which often lasted until late in the evening.

It was already after 8pm, Lysanna didn't have any plans anyway, so she agreed with a smile.

After filling two glasses with whiskey and taking a seat in her chair behind the desk, Minerva asked bluntly:

"What does Theodor think about the fact that you left the ministry so suddenly?"

Lysanna had already expected that her aunt would eventually want more detailed information about her decision at some point, but was still surprised by the very specific question. She couldn't avoid an answer anyway, so she just explained the whole story straight away:

*You know, Theodor and I, well, it just didn't work out. We kept arguing and he wasn't even able to stay professional in the ministry. Well, when he asked me out of the blue to give up my apartment and move into his townhouse with him, I was fed up. He was concerned only with his own interests, what I wanted or needed was not important to him. After I ended the relationship, if you could even call it that, a few weeks ago, he never missed a single opportunity to make my working day as unbearable as possible. The letter from Hogwarts then came at just the right time." Lysanna finished her tale with a sip from her glass. Minerva nodded, smiling.

"You are a clever girl Lysanna. Theodor obviously didn't want to understand that. I think you did exactly the right thing. I had a bad feeling about him from the start.", she replied.

Slightly surprised by her aunt's indeed very honest answer, Lysanna took another sip of whisky.

After a few minutes she broke the silence:

"Aunt Minerva, could you possibly do me a favour?"

Minerva gave her a sceptical look.

"What I just told you should stay between the two of us. At least as long as Gilderoy Lockhart is around. I think he could become a nuisance, so maybe I could use Theodor one last time.", Lysanna explained with a grin and knew immediately that her aunt understood when she returned her mischievous grin.

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