Chapter Eleven: A Warm Welcome

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We FINALLY go to my mom and dad's house. As expected, they and Tubbo really hit it off. My mom told me, "Oh my gosh honey, he's seriously a keeper! What an angel, you made a good decision to date him."

"Well, thanks!" I laughed and rubbed the back of my head, "Just a bit of luck I suppose. He's the one to come to me! If anything, I don't deserve him!"

"Awh sweetie-" Toby gave me a hug, "Every day I have to work hard and remind myself that we belong together. You're so perfect Y/n, everything. I'm not just saying that either!" He brushed a strand of hair from my face, "Be confident, because you deserve the world."

My mom and step-dad looked like they were melting into the floor. My dad laughed, "You guys are such cute lovebirds! Twitterpated for sure."

"Oh my goooosh," I laughed, "Your guys are so embarrassing-" I gave my dad a playful shove.

"Hey, at least I care!" My dad gave me a playful shove, and Tobias chuckled. We went into the dining room, and my mom served us pumpkin pie with whipped cream. It wasn't homemade or anything, but nonetheless it tasted really good.

"Look down, you have something on your-" Tubbo started, and I glanced downwards. I was confused when I didn't see anything, but then he proceeded to nudge my head upwards so I was looking at him, and I couldn't believe it.

"Omg there is NO WAY you just revved me up," I burst out laughing. (oh god I hope that's appropriate because I have no idea what that means and somebody did that to me- bbh don't kill me lmao.)

Me and Tubbo ended up sleeping in different rooms because my uh, parents were suspicious, and in the morning Toby got up early and made everyone eggs, toast, and bacon. Needless to say, they were delighted. Sadly our visit had to be cut short, and we needed to meet up with Eret.

One short drive and one hotel check-in later we made it to the park with the "BI-KING!" (Got a suggestion to include this) Anyways, the three of us hit it off pretty good, and we spent the day filming random videos for our channels, or more specifically Tommys. He had seriously wanted us to do this and post it on his channel as a prank, so...

"I can't believe you actually bought the L'manburg coat!" I squealed, "I wasn't even a fan of it before I met Tubbo, but now I'm being included in season two! I watched Technoblade a lot, so this hits kind of hard. What was he like?"

"We didn't talk all that much, but he seemed like an interesting character. Techno came up with a lot of his own lore, and the touch about the Voices was really nice. The guy was always funny, a true shame about what happened to him. The worst things happen to the best people I swear."

"Oh no don't swear!" Tubbo jokes, "Or Badboyhalo is going to come for you!" I wheezed, and Tubbo continued, "Are you trying to summon Dream?"

"Awh he won't do anything that's not in Minecraft," I replied, "He's just a homeless green blob. A teletubby lol."

All of a sudden, Heatwaves started playing in the ice cream shop we were in. We laughed some more, and posted on Twitter about it. The three of us were about to pack up and leave, when oh my gosh, A FAN CAME TO SAY HI!"

"Hello!" The girl was probably about fourteen, "I can't believe it's Eret, Y/n, and Tubbo! You guys are seriously some of my idols! Would it be weird if I asked for a picture?!?"

"Of course!" I squealed, "We'd love to get a picture with you!" A nearby person took the phone and took a photo of the four of us. I'd never seen a teenager so happy, and she rushed off to go show her group of friends. They all just rolled their eyes, but it was a really nice experience. The first time meeting a fan of mine! How exciting!

"Wow! Y/n is finally popular enough to have an actual fan," Tubbo nudged me, "This is such a huge milestone for you, love! I'm so happy for you!"

"It's all thanks to you Toby!" I hugged him and gave him a soft kiss, "None of this would have happened without you! I love you so much."


749 Words, sorry this chapter is a little shorter! My cat went to the vet for the first time in fifteen years, and the day has been super stressful. (She's okay, but mad at me) I hope you still enjoyed the chapter! Please remember to stay hydrated, I'll catch you in the next chapter!

{A Delicate Winter} A Tubbo x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now