Chapter Ten: A Big Trip

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"Hey Y/n!" Tubbo surprised me at my door with a present. He usually would do this, so it wasn't totally out-of-the-ordinary. The gift was a white and red box, clearly one that was meant for Christmas. It made me smile, since the holidays were three months ago.

"Awh, you didn't have to do this!" I giggled, "I always feel bad for not finding you something!"

"Well this is for both of us," Tubbo laughed, "And I think you're going to like it very much," I took the box from his hands, and opened it. Inside there was another box, this one was much smaller and had a picture of Santa on it. Confused, I proceeded to open that one as well, and there was a white envelope inside, labeled, "For Y/n." I tore the envelope and pulled out two tickets. NO HE DIDN'T-


"I know you've been wanting to meet your parents for a while, and I got them on sale, so no worries!" He gave me a hug, "It was worth every dollar just to see your reaction. And we get to spend time together!"

"I LOVE YOU!" I squealed, "We have to get packing, oh my gosh! My parents are going to be so excited!"

Later on that day, I called up my parents and they were absolutely delighted at how thoughtful Toby was, and my mom and step-dad couldn't wait to see him. My own dad had ended up moving a few towns away from them, so it would be a nice change to re-bond and continue growing our relationship. Him and my mom had gotten onto better terms with the whole "back in Y/n's" life thing, but, y'know.

Me and Tobias made it to the airport at 4:00 on Monday morning. He was so tired I'd ended up driving, but it was only a short distance. (I was a terrible driver lol). The airport even this early in the day was bustling with energy and commotion, the navigation of the building near-impossible. By some miracle, we made it through security without having any of our bags searched, and sat down a half-hour early.

Toby woke up from his nap on the seat, and we boarded the plane. I put earbuds in and listened to some pre-downloaded spotify, while Tubbo continued to sleep. The flight was going to be fifteen and a half hours to Los Angeles, an excruciating long time. I tried to get comfortable and get my legs situated, but it wasn't much use. Me and Toby cuddled for a while, and after my music playlist ended I went to sleep. Sometime later Tubbo woke up and watched a movie then fell asleep again. Then I woke up feeling disoriented and sick, but somehow managed to make it past that and fell asleep. Six hours in and the lunch menu came. We ended up buying some questionable chicken... not sure what it was, and forced it down with some soda. Then we fell asleep again.

After that, we got bored and sick of sleeping, so we both watched a movie together. This was a particularly nice plane because it had built-in I-pads to the seats with a decent amount of shows. Both of us were staring at the screen too long and got a headache. This was the most boring I'd ever felt. This was in comparison almost as bad as losing my three-year hardcore minecraft world to a phantom. We still had seven hours to go!

I had no idea what time it was when I finished playing Geometry Dash on my phone. The game was oddly addicting, and I was forced to rage-quit. Damn, four hours had passed. I cringed, that was definitely a waste of time. I opened up Wattpad and started reading "Arranged Marriage Dream x Reader" (My favorite book of all time SHOUT OUT TO THE LEGEND WHO MADE THAT!) and I couldn't stop laughing. Then I saw the Technoblade part and started crying. My mood was a complete mess, and Tubbo was too. He was just staring motionless at the back of the seat in front of him, and several times I had to nudge him and make sure he wasn't dead.

Because of the odd time zones and long flight, we'd skipped an entire day of our lives when we finally landed. It was officially 11:22 AM! I groaned and didn't feel like getting up. My legs were completely numb and asleep. Most of the plane left and me and Tubbo finally got our luggage from the upper compartment. After visiting my parents we were going to stay at a hotel and meet up with Eret, who was in the area. I'd never met him before, not even online, but from what I'd heard he seemed alright.

Neither of us felt like driving for the first day to my parents town, Maywood. It was a good hour and a half, and we seriously needed to recover from the plane flight. Me and Tobias checked into a nearby hotel for the night, relaxing and organizing some of the stuff we had packed. Around noon the next day we left, and drove the two hours to my parents town.

(I am basing this off pictures I've seen of this town, so nobody came to me OwO) It was a really quaint town with lots of cute trees and suburban houses. My parents owned a quarter-acre on the outskirts of this settlement and lived a laid-back retirement lifestyle.

"So what did your parents do?" Toby asked, "Back when they were living in England? As a uhm, job?" It was always a bit awkward to ask, but I didn't mind at all.

"My mom was actually a nurse for that hospital down the street," I was driving for this second-half of the trip there, and took a right exit, "And my dad worked as a manager at a small manufacturing company for a while. They made stuffed animals," I laughed, "But y'know, they uh, divorced. Anyways, my "new" dad was a spokesperson for a software company, and he and my mom met at a conference he was hosting. He had to fly back here, and well, she went with him. He's so nice though!"

"I'm glad that everyone got a happy ending," Tubbo smiled, "I can't wait to meet them, I just hope that they end up liking me!


1090 Words! Yay, I'm back on the over-1k role. I am so sorry I haven't posted in two days, I'm stressing about taking my cat to the vet tomorrow and had to get some stuff setup. Also with Christmas here its kind of been disrupting my life a little more then I'd like it to, aha. Thanks of reading so far! I won't be posting a chapter this Saturday or this Sunday because its Christmas, and maybe not Monday either but it depends. Love you all!

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